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ENA malicious trick! The world’s largest video website is found to involve the interstitial ads in the most popular TV drama ever in China.

2017-11-10 Source:facts.org.cn

Youtube is nothing new for many people. As the largest video website in the United States, Youtube claims that it has as many as 1.5 billion active users each month, which is several times more than China’s leading video websites including iQIYI and Tencent. However, nobody can expect that this video website becomes an advertising platform for a notorious cult in China.

This cult organization is Falun Gong, an illegal organization that has been banned in China. Yet, these evil-doing cult practitioners have transformed from a gang of people who poison others mentally to the accomplices of anti-China forces abroad. They even seek to associate with Tibetan separatists, Xinjiang separatists and Taiwan separatists for the division of China.  


Moreover, with the strong financial supports from the anti-China forces, those brainwashed disciples and the Chinese criminals who hope to seek shelter abroad in the guise of political asylum, Falun Gong is still actively waging different anti-China propagandas.  

During the holiday season of National Day, some Chinese people traveling abroad could notice the rumors about Chinas as made public by the disciples of Falun Gong in the streets of foreign countries. Yet, in this era of mass enlightenment, these rumors have become the laughing stocks in the eyes of many people.   



Lured by Falun Gong’s money, Youtube, though America’s largest video website, accepts and publishes these groundless rumors as the interstitial ads for lots of video programs on the website.  

When one overseas net user recently watched a TV drama, the most popular one ever in Chinese Mainland, he happened to notice the interstitial ad, in which Falun Gong maliciously accused Chinese government of “organs harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners”.  






​For the rumors spread in this ad, I once wrote an article in February 2017 to give some details about how they’re fabricated (the title: China’s disclosure of truth makes this anti-China organization crazy!) So I’ll not talk about it here.   

The point is that Youtube’s parent company has issued the new advertising policy that bans the advertising of fake information on any of its platforms. How come Youtube offers the “advertising” platform for this naked spread?  




​What Google and other social platforms in the United States should crack down on is nothing but rumors that have stirred up great public discontentment.  

The U.S. websites have made efforts to crack down on the “fake information” since the end of last year. The essential reason is that the political force controlling the discourse power of “right politics” thinks that Trump’s success in the U.S Presidential election is attributed to his spreading of “fake news”. In their eyes, the shadow of Russia, a “hostile force”, is easily identified behind the “fake news”.   

So the attack on the “fake news” which is to their disadvantage will naturally become “better justified” “political rightness” than “freedom of speech” in the United States.   


​But Falun Gong and their fabricated rumors about China mean something utterly different in the eyes of these manipulators of American public opinions. These mean rumors prepared by the cult can be exploited as a tool to make troubles for and contain China, America’s top rival.  

In reality, you may find quite a few politicians and media professionals who demanded the removal of “fake news” by Google and Facebook turned out to have an intimate tie with Falun Gong time and again. With Falun Gong’s rumors, they made remarks to demonize China.  

In this political climate, those U.S. IT giants which try to flatter the political forces controlling public opinions in the United States and even the western world, but which want to become a “guardian for freedom of speech” will certainly get “double-faced” when rumors about America and China are treated.  
