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Reuters: New Book“Cults Inside Out”

2015-01-12 Source:Kaiwind Author:By Chen Han

December 16, 2014, Reuters reported that famous anti-cult expert Rick Alan Ross released his new bookCults Inside Out.This book is now available on Amazon.com, and is well received by readers. 



This carefully researched book reflects the increasing diversity of the present cult phenomenon and provides the nucleus for a definition of a destructive cult and explains how so-called “cult brainwashing” really works. It also explains the cult intervention process, often called “deprogramming,” with actual cases of Scientology followers, Falun Gong practitioners and so on. Through this book, the author hopes to help the public learn more about the nature of the cult, and enhance the ability to identify and resist the cult. 

The emphasis of Rick Alan Ross’s cult study has always been put on Falun Gong. In his book’s preamble, Rick Alan Ross says that the book is for Hao Huijun and her daughter, Chen Guo.  Ms  Hao and Ms Chen are former Falun Gong followers from Henan province. On January 23, 2001, they staged a self-immolation protest with other 5 followers, and seriously burned. On January 5 of 2011, on his Cultnews.com, Rick Alan Ross wrote an article which provided his interview in detail with Ms Hao and Ms Chen. The article and photos showed readers a true status in quo and an unmoved anti-Falun Gong cult attitude of the mother and daughter. 

This book contains two chapters (Chapter 12 and Chapter 13) about Falun Gong. Rick Alan Ross says, “And in my opinion Falun Gong fits the profile of a personality-driven and defined group dominated by a charismatic leader—which is the most salient single feature of destructive cults.” 

Reuters news agency is the UK's largest and one of the four major western news agencies now, the world's top three international multimedia news agency, providing all kinds of news and financial data in 128 countries. It is widely-known for its quickness and accuracy and provides news reports to newspapers, television and other kinds of media. Reuters reported this news after Businesswire, Yahoo, and Broadway World Network news media.  



