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A pregnant Jehovah's Witness woman and her baby have died after she refused a blood transfusion

2015-04-28 Source:dailymail.co.uk

A heavily pregnant Jehovah's Witness woman and her baby died after she was diagnosed with leukemia but refused a blood transfusion that would probably have saved both of their lives. 

The 28-year-old was diagnosed with the cancer seven months into her pregnancy, and doctors told her she could give birth via a caesarean section and undergo chemotherapy but both would require her to have a blood transfusion. 

The Sydney woman refused both options due to her religious beliefs and her baby died in utero three days later. She had a stillbirth and died 13 days after her diagnosis after suffering a stroke and multi-organ failure. 

This woman has a long-held commitment to the Jehovah's Witness faith. 

Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions because they believe the Bible commands them to abstain from ingesting blood and that avoiding blood pays respect to God as the giver of life.  

Jehovah's Witnesses are often condemned for their beliefs, especially in relation to their stance against blood transfusions. 



  Original Text From:http://www.dailymail.co.ukews/article-3027599/Jehovah-s-Witness-baby-die-refuses-blood-transfusion-seven-months-pregnant-cancer-80-chance-surviving-treatment.html 
