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视频:绝命毒师小鲜肉主演 新美剧《路途》直指科学教【浙江】 编译

2016-02-24 Source:凯风浙江 Author:虞杨




  【凯风网2016年2月23日消息,通讯员:虞 杨】据美国的文化评论网站Flavorwire 2月19日报道,美国视频网站Hulu即将推出邪教系列情景剧《路途》(Path),讲诉一个深陷邪教的家庭的故事,该剧影射的便是备受争议的科学教。凯风网编译如下:






  故事中埃迪(亚伦·保罗饰)与他的妻子莎拉(米歇尔·莫纳汉)的关系分崩离析,于是,他开始质疑他热衷的“路途”——也就是该剧影射出的邪教科学教。莎拉将自己的一生都奉献给了“路途”,而埃迪是一位新成员,他似乎正与政府合作来驱散“路途”。这令邪教头目卡尔(休·丹西饰) 非常不悦。






  该系列电视剧将于3月30日在美国视频网站 Hulu.com 首映。


  Hulu是一家美国的视频网站,也是最受欢迎的视频网站之一。该网站由美国国家广播环球公司(NBC Universal)和福克斯在2007年3月共同注册成立,于2007年10月推出测试版,2008年3月正式启动,网站提供经过授权的正版影视作品和电视节目。该网站在洛杉矶、纽约、北京均设有办事处。




  Hulu post cult TV that expose Scientology

  关键词:Path, Cult ,Scientology ,Hulu

  摘要:According to the US cultural review sites Flavorwire.com , Feb 19st, United States video site Hulu is about to launch the cult drama"The Path" that tells about a family at the center of a controversial cult, what it allude to is the controversial cult---- Scientology.



    Starring Michelle Monaghan, plays the wife that devotes to the Path 

  (Kaiwind.com) The new, first full trailer for Hulu’s upcoming cult drama The Path is very exciting.


  Starring Aaron Paul (The Left) is a popular Hollywood actor, who appeared in hot American shows 《Breaking Bad》that awarding the 64th Emmy Award for best supporting actor

  The drama tells about a family at the center of a controversial cult movement as they struggle with relationships, faith, and power.

    In the story , Eddie’s (Aaron Paul) relationship with his wife, Sarah (Michelle Monaghan), falls apart. He is questioning his devotion to the Path, the cult that reeks of Scientology. Sarah is a lifelong devotee of the Path and Eddie is a newer member who seems to be working with the government to have the Path dismantled. The leader Cal (Hugh Dancey) is not happy about it.  

    Trailer screenshots 


     Starring Aaron Paul In the Drama 

  It looks very promising, and it will be especially satisfying to see Paul, Monaghan, and Dancy land on a series that actually has some heft to it after having their successes with Breaking Bad, True Detective, and Hannibal, respectively.

  The series will premiere on Hulu on March 30.

    About Website: 

  Hulu is a video sites in USA; it is also one of the most popular video sites. The site is registered by National Broadcasting Company universal (NBC Universal) and FOX company in March 2007.In October 2007, it released the beta version, and in March 2008, started the site .It provides authorized copyrighted films and TV shows. The site set offices in Los Angeles, New York and Beijing.


Watch the Tense Trailer for Cult Drama ‘The Path,’ Starring Aaron Paul

  Maybe it’s just the Fleet Foxes talking, but the new, first full trailer for Hulu’s upcoming cult drama The Path is very exciting.

  The tense two-minute clip is scored by “White Winter Hymnal,” a song that sounds like it could be about a cult, as Eddie’s (Aaron Paul) relationship with his wife, Sarah (Michelle Monaghan), falls apart. See, he is questioning his devotion to the Path, the cult that reeks of Scientology but is in fact — according to the show’s creators — not any direct analogue to Scientology. Sarah is a lifelong devotee of the Path and Eddie is a newer member who seems to be working with the government to have the Path dismantled. Leader Cal (Hugh Dancey) is not happy about it.

  Watch the trailer below. It looks very promising, and it will be especially satisfying to see Paul, Monaghan, and Dancy land on a series that actually has some heft to it after having their successes with Breaking Bad, True Detective, and Hannibal, respectively.

  The series will premiere on Hulu on March 30.





  笔    名:虞 杨




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