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On the other side of the world, some were trying to celebrate

2008-05-22 Author:By: Chiralanomaly

In New York, a group of Falun Gong activists gathered in Flushing to celebrate the hit on China according to this post, and these video clips: clip 1, clip 2, (both Chinese only) from a Chinese language news program in New York area. Although, some argued that they were not actually "celebrating" but only speaking for their opinions on "why" there were disasters (surely it was due to communism, what else?). Whatever it was, they clearly have overdone it and angered a huge crowed of Chinese immigrants, who booed at them right across the street.

Falun Gong is a semi-religious organization initially consisted of naive, innocent minded and religion hungry people. After it was pronounced a cult and banned in China, they moved their headquarters to the west, and have enjoyed continuous funding from those organizations such as NED, a proxy of CIA. Almost overnight, they converted themselves to professional full-time anti-CCP activists. Funded by the "pro-human rights" groups, the main functionality of Falun Gong, however, has never been to promote human rights condition or religious freedom in China, simply because the public sympathy they receive among all the Chinese, in China or abroad, has always been minimal, if not zero, and it's obvious to every Chinese that there simply is no hope for them of gaining any momentum. The very presence of such a cult is solely for the anti-China groups in the west to have materials, most fabricated, to sell to their own people, the westerners, in order to strengthen the misunderstanding between the two sides of the world and to maintain the validity of their distorted view on China.

Falun Gong fights against the Chinese government under the name of "religious freedom". So why don’t we listen to what their religion speaks for? According to their theory, any natural disaster that happens in China is due to the "heavenly will" of destroying CCP. Therefore, whoever chooses to standby the government is endangering himself to such "penalties" coming down from the heaven, and if he does endure any, he well deserves it. Based on such a theory, they keep up the good work of threatening every Chinese to cease supporting CCP immediately on the basis of "seeking self protections" (quoting their own language), while being waged by the tax dollars of western countries such as US and Canada.

That is why, in the face of the recent deadly earthquake in Sichuan, this group of people once again found "strong evidence" to the teachings of their "religion" and decided to raise high their banner with ever stronger confidence, which says "Heaven kills CCP!"

(Wordpress.com, May 19th, 2008)

Original text from: http://chiralanomaly.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/on-the-other-side-of-the-world-some-were-trying-to-celebrate/
