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Chinese New Year Splendor 2008 - Marketing

2012-05-24 Author:By Davlan

If you live in New York City I'm sure you are bound to see the marketing magic of the Chinese Near Year Splendor 2008 show on January 30, 2008 to February 09, 2008. The problem to me is that it really appears too good to be true. The reviews appear all to be good and even before January 30, 2008 I've seen asians dressed in costume around the city handing brochures often with one or MORE people around doing the same...

In fact I saw them in the Brooklyn Costco in the second floor on January 11th. One asian man with 2 female compatriots handing out flyers; which was really weird to me. I've seen those flyers weeks before all around the city... The marketing ability of the show is impressive. You really do not see this in most broadway shows... especially one that will only run 9 days.

Some search comes up sporadic mentions of the Falun Gong and it kinda makes sense because for a long time back I use to see groups protesting China's treatment of Falun Gong. However that's kinda silly and could be more China's propaganda machine.

In the end I do not know. Anyone have more clues to this? Seems a mystery to me but maybe it's my imagination.



Original text from: http://davlan.blogspot.com.au/2008/02/chinese-new-year-splendor-2008.html
