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Jet Li’s view on Falun Gong


I was wondering what your feelings were about Falun Gong if you had any. I am confused as to why China is so upset with these groups of followers. Is it because in China you are not allowed to voice your opinions or feelings as much as you are in the US? Thank you for your time.

Jet's Response:

In an effort to understand the situation I have managed to read about 24 Falun Gong books. I think it is important to study an issue before forming any ideas.

In Falun Gong there are three principal teachings -- three ideals and goals that they strive to achieve: To be true and real; To be kind and have a good character; and to be tolerant of others. This tolerance is in the sense that, if someone does something to make me angry I don't respond with anger because there is something to learn from the experience. I think Jesus said something to the effect that, if a person slaps your right cheek you turn to offer them the left cheek. In Buddhism it is said that if someone beats you up you say "Thank you", because they are providing you with the chance to learn tolerance. You would never have the opportunity to learn tolerance until you're in a situation where someone attacks you and gives you that opportunity.

So, in thinking about the three principal teachings -- the main goal of those who follow Falun Gong -- I began to wonder, why do they always demonstrate on the street to protest the government? Tolerance is one of their three principal laws -- a part of their "bible", so to speak. From my persective, if I see you practicing a religion, but you never follow the basic tenants of your faith -- you say one thing but do another -- how should I feel?

I don't think it's necessary for me to develop an opinion on the teachings. I just need to watch and see how a person applies the teachings and beliefs into their daily action. What do they do? What do they say? How do they live? For all religions I want to see examples of how people use that religion in their daily life. What has happened over the past several thousand years? I think it takes time for people to really understand a religion. It can't happen over just a few years. It takes the cummulation of a history of living examples that helps a person understand how that religious faith effects its followers.

If you say one thing and do something totally different, even if your religious teachings are "better" than another's, then what does that say? Do you not understand your own teachings? That is why I read Falun Gong books -- to see what their beliefs, goals and ideals are. Personally, I think they have a lot of good ideas, but I am hard pressed to find good examples. I only see the people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China ... everywhere ... demonstrating on the street against the government. But considering that their main goals are to be true, kind and tolerant, what does that say?

Human beings need time to evaluate one religion or group. You need examples to see the comparison between what they teach and what they do. In America there is a constitution. If the government in America did things totally opposed to that document of rules, what would you think?

I look at other religious groups and notice that they don't feel as strong a conviction to demonstrate on the street. They not only teach the principals of tolerance and compassion, but they also apply them in their practice. My point is ... I read their books ... I understand what they're talking about ... but I see people doing things contrary to their teachings so I don't understand. Their words are one way -- but their actions are different.

I don't need to give you my opinion on Falun Gong for you to understand their situation. I can really only tell you what I've learned and what I've observed. I will let you make your own evalution of what those things mean.

( Jetli.com, September 17, 2002)

Original text from: http://jetli.com/jet/index.php?s=life&ss=questions&p=x&l=en&date=020917



