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Rick Ross interviewed with Marc Clair on "Lions of Liberty Podcast

2015-06-15 Source:Kaiwind

(Kaiwind.com) On April 30, 2015American cult expert Rick Alan Ross interviewed with Marc Clair on "Lions of Liberty Podcast.  In the interview Rick described how he first became entrenched in the subject of cults when he realized his grandmother was being preyed upon by a cult at her nursing home. Since then Ross has become one of the leading specialists on cults in the United States, and has worked to deprogram many who have fallen under the influence of destructive cults. Rick describes the defining characteristics of cults, and how they differ from mainstream religions. Rick and host Marc Clair discuss the types of people who are vulnerable to cults, how cult leaders exert such a strong influence over their followers, and just how those who have fallen into a cult can be deprogrammed.Host Marc Clair told audiences who want to learn all about cult can purchase Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out at Amazon. 

Original Text Fromhttp://lionsofliberty.com/2015/04/30/101/ 




