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The Black History of Falun Gong “Organ Harvesting” Rumor

2017-02-21 Source:Kaiwind

In the last 10 years, the overseas media outlets of the Falun Gong organization have carried out and made non-stop publicity stunts based on the rumor of “Organ Harvesting”. The allegations of the Chinese government harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners and organ trafficking was designed to tarnish China and the CCP, and has been used by anti-China forces abroad.  

Origin of the Rumor: The So Called “Sujiatun Concentration Camp 

On March 6, 2006, the overseas media of the Falun Gong cult propogated, for the first time, the rumors of the so-called Sujiatun Concentration Camp, claiming that there was a concentration camp in the Medical Center of Thrombosis of Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine (hereinafter referred to as Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital), holding more than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners, in which two-thirds were thrown into a cremator and incinerated after their organs had been illegally removed and sold to other parts of China and overseas.  


 Chinese authorities have refuted this rumor on many occasions. On March 22, 2006, an officer from the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang made a thorough inspection of the Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital. On April 14, 2006, Consul General David Cornbluth of the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang, U.S. Embassy official Eric Richardson, Doctor Craig Shapiro and two others spent three and a half hours paying a thorough visit to the hospital. On April 14, 2006, Sean McCormack, the spokesman of the U.S. State Council, issued a statement on the basis of the investigations carried out by U.S. embassies and consulates in China, that they “found no evidence that the site is being used for any function other than as a normal public hospital.”  Media sources including CNN, Associated Press, Washington Post, Reuters, Japan’s NHK and Ottawa Citizen have produced their own on-site reportage on the hospital, confirming that the claim about a Sujiatun Concentration Camp was completely erroneous. 

Upgraded Version of the Rumor: “Organ Harvesting” Report by David Kilgour and David Matas 

After the rumor of Sujiatun Concentration Camp was revealed on July 6, 2006, Falun Gong engaged David Kilgour, director-general of the department of asia-pacific affairs of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the lawyer David Matas to produce the Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China. This Report slandered the Chinese government of illegally harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. However, it studiously avoided the Sujiatun Concentration Camp event. The so-called evidences in the report were completely false, came from supposed recordings which had been edited or rearranged arbitrarily or subjective inferences from internet materials, and cannot be verified in any reliable way, to this day. After that, the “Organ Harvesting” rumor had been made into films by the Falun Gong organization, such as Human Harvest, or Davids and Goliath and Bleeding Edge, directed by Canadian filmmaker Leon Lee. The films were made with fabricated evidence to cheat the international community out of their sympathy. 

It should be noted that the two “witnesses” of the Sujiatun event, namely Anne and Peter, have been discredited as false witnesses. Peter was the first anonymous witness Falun Gong concocted after fabricating the rumor of “organ harvesting”, who claimed to be part of the  intelligence community of the Chinese Communist Party, but was later described as a senior media person having visited mainland China. The truth is, Peter, whose former name was John Carter, was 44 years old in 2006 and worked for a San Francisco church before he was dismissed for theft. Another “witness” named Anne, claimed she had lived in Sujiatun and that her ex-husband was an ophthalmologist at the hospital who had taken part in “organ harvesting”. In fact, Anne, who held Canadian citizenship, was formerly known as “Anna Louise”. She was 50 years old in 2006 and lived near New Asia Plaza, Ottawa. She has never had anything to do with Sujiatun in China.  

Due to the false charges made by Falun Gong, many international organizations, mainstream media, parliaments, governments and judiciaries of other countries have also carried out independent investigations and concluded that the report has no evidence to support it. 

On November 9, 2012, Johannes Pflug said in an interview to a journalist for SWR that the accusation that China executed political offenders to harvest their organs was a groundless rumor. Johannes Pflug said, “I think that was a groundless rumor. I had heard such rumors a few years ago. We had carried out corresponding investigations through our intelligence agencies. Our intelligence staff told me that we had not found evidence confirming such things despite the repeated emergence of such reports. I can be more specific to say that most of such rumors were spread by Falun Gong, but the rumors were entirely groundless.”


 In 2013, Deutsche Welle rebroadcast a report by Deutsche Press Agentur, stating that “Organ Harvesting” is only hearsay. On March 18, 2014, OrgaNos, an Austrian organization opposed to living organ donation, posted a statement on its website from Amnesty International, saying that Amnesty International is committed to helping those whose human rights have been violated, whether Falun Gong practitioners or not. However, they have not found any proof that living practitioners have had their organs forcibly removed. 

 (URL: http://organosinfo.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/falun_gong/ ) 


On November 21, 2013, regarding a petition by the Falun Gong Association for investigating  the Chinese government’s forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Committee reported to their parliament: “Neither committee members nor the Government are aware of any independent evidence verifying that Falun Gong claimed on organ harvesting. This conclusion is based on both New Zealand and foreign inquires.” (Report of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Committee on Petition 2011/84 of Sam Fang on behalf of the Falun Gong Association, from New Zealand Parliament website, November 21, 2013) 


Peak of the Rumor: The Slaughter by Ethan Gutmann 

On June 22, 2016, David Kilgour and David Matas co-published the report The Slauthter – Blooding Harvest with American investigative reporter Ethan Gutmann. They concluded that the real number of organ transplantations was vastly more than the official number and presumptuously claimed that 60,000 – 100,000 organ transplantations were performed very year in China, and that most of organs originated from Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience. Thus 1.5 million Falun Gong members had their organs harvested since 2000. This figure was amplified at least 10 times from what Gutmann presumed and published in 2014. 

This unfounded assertion immediately triggered worldwide outrage by medical authorities and personell. 

At the 26th International Congress of The Transplantation Society(TTS) held in Hong Kong during August 21 to 23, 2016, Jose R. Nunez, the officer from the World Health Organization(WHO) in charge of the organ transplant program, said to Chinese and foreign reporters, “No matter as an officer of WHO or a professional doctor, I can say that it cannot be true that between 60,000 and 100,000 organ transplants, equaling the total number the whole world completes per year, are performed on the Chinese mainland yearly. ” 

(URL: http://www.chinadailyasia.comation/2016-08/19/content_15481640.htm) 

Jeremy Chapman, professor of America Massachusetts General Hospital, and the former president of The Transplantation Society, told Australia SBS in an interview that “the absurd allegation by Falun Gong and Ethan Gutmann was outrageous”.  

(URL: http://www.sbs.com.auews/article/2016/08/19/Australian) 

The allegation that the Chinese Government harvested organs from Falun Gong practitioners, an evil farce and deception written and performed by the Falun Gong cult organization, is a complete fabrication with no evidence, aiming to tarnish China and cheat the international community for their sympathy and hide its nature as a dangerous cult. 

The Chinese Organ Transplantation System has been assisted and witnessed by international communities. The achievements were also acknowledged. An open, transparent and fair human organ donation and transplantation system has been established gradually. 


At the 26th International Congress of The Transplantation Society(TTS) held in Hong Kong during August 21 to 23, 2016, Jiefu Huang, the director of the China Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, delivered a keynote speech as the only invited guest in the section of President’s Plenary. The speech was highly praised by thousand of doctors from the international society of organ transplantation. China’s organ donation and transplant system has integrated into the international community. 


Acknowledgements of Chinese achievements in the field of organ transplantation by international organizations and authorities have strongly refuted Falun Gong’s absurd allegations. 


All this suggests that the so-called allegation that Chinese Government has killed large numbers of prisoners of conscience is only a malicious remark. I is simply propogated to slander China by anti-China forces in the name of Falun Gong, which is nonsense. 

China benefits so much from the development of international society and is willing to make greater contributions to it. 


