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Spiritual control starts from one's health aspirations

2007-11-01 Author:By: Psychiatric professor Li Shengxian

Falun Gong has been outlawed for almost 10 months. Some people still insist that the Falun Gong is an effective treatment for disease and good for fitness. And a few people is still waiting for an opportunity to make troubles. Why is this?

This is precisely the result of which Li Hongzhi and his cult organization take advantage of people's pursuit of health and  lead them into the misunderstanding of health and achive mental control.

Set the bait skillfully and mislead your aspiration for health

Since ancient times, the witch doctors, unlicensed doctors and drug pedlars have always been making fusses about fitness and healings.

Health is the eternal hot issue people universally concerned about. But there are still many misunderstandings about health. Health concepts of the general public are still very outdated, such as too much emphasis on physical care and ignorance on mental health issues; attention to the description of the phenomenon and ignorance of the scientific thinking, measuring and test; one-sided pursuit of longevity, hope to live a long life, and overlooking how to improve the quality of life and so on. On the other hand, with the gradual improvement of living standards and social stability, people develop new aspirations and demands on health. For example, patients wish to have more exchange of ideas, feelings with doctors in particular. And they thirst for individual, personalized and humane medical services. But the medical services are becoming more and more mechanized, commercialized and wholesale-like, which poses tremendous contrast with the people's demand. Those hoaxers take advantage of people's concerns and lack of alert on these issues, and make fraud in disguise of health and healing.

Cater to your likes and deceive you with no exception

When Li Hongzhi started his hoax under the signboard of Qigong, he restrained poly money amounted to hundreds of thousands yuan in a very short time. This had greatly stimulated his greed. He had some believers around, which also stimulated his appetite. In addition, a Qigong organization's support and recognition of him further ignited his desire to extort money and personal ambition. At that time, he used extremely abnormal Qigong superstition among the public, catered to their likes, fabricated history to flatter himself, just in order to mislead people's pursuit of high-level health conditions. For example, he changed his birth date, boasting that he was the reincarnation of the Buddha, learnt the high-level holy script and possessed the holy power when he was eight years old... describing the abnormal mental state of people in exercising as "opening of celestial eyes, ears"; describing the scene of mass hysteria evoked at his lecture carrying Qi as the result of Qi and Qi Field, and so on. He took advantage of people's desire not to get sick to lure people practicing Falun Gong. He also claimed that the patients who did not take medication would eliminate karma, and proceed to a higher level in the practice. These misunderstandings in people's health aspirations bore distorted interpretations of mental and pathological phenomenon, which gave the Qigong hoaxers space to display their hoax.

Fabricate myths and lure you to fall into the pitfall in disguise of ultimate sincerity

Li Hongzhi said that he had straightened a hump-back with three slaps, that he had enormous supernatural power, and could protect his followers against dangers. To prove this point, he cited an example, saying that a believer in Beijing had been dragged back about half meter when the bike he rode was about to collide with a jeep in front. It was Li Hongzhi's protection. Li Hongzhi said Examples like this are countless. By such kind of fabricated examples that were unable to prove, Li Hongzhi made you believe that he did what he said and fell into the almighty trap. To sum up, these tricks of Li Hongzhi is not for salvaging, but to hoax money, and disrupt the public.

Li Hongzhi took advantage of popular concern about health problems to complete his mental control. Then he resorted to terrorist means to further his political ambitions. It is the characteristics of all cults. Li Hongzhi is no exception. First, he produce horror within Falun Gong organizations by saying, "If I can not save you, no one can; Earth is to explode, it is now lawless period; mankind today is thoroughly evil, if people slide further downwards they will be facing destruction, total destruction. it is the total annihilation of the body and the spirit, which is very terrible! Then he created Falun Gong terror in the community by saying that all the people critical of the Falun Gong are devil; that they come to sabotage Dafa in the lawless period." Li Hongzhi makes believers to gather crowds to threaten news organizations, government agencies and the central government, in the sounding name of promoting Buddhism and defend. By issuing scriptures to the believers, he have repeatedly strengthened these ideas "failure to participate in promoting Buddha Dharma and defend" will result in failure to raise to a higher level or achieve perfection, and even fall back to ordinary people. Li Hongzhi's preaching of  "promoting Buddhism Dharma and defend" is to lead the followers into the colliding course with the society. Preaching Dharma is a far cry from the healing of illnesses and fitness! And custody of Dharma is also completely contrary to the desire to have good health. If it is really about the believers' health, why should he let everyone to Zhongnanhai? If it is really for fitness, why should he let everyone to violate the law, and confront the whole society?

Jump out of the mental control of Li Hongzhi, and the morning is waiting for you to wake up from the nightmare.

(Extracted from Science and Atheism, May, 2000)
