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Ten commentaries on how Falun Gong poisons its practitioners

2007-12-28 Source:Kaiwind Author:By: Yi Fan

Just like other cults, Li Hongzhi uses "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and "getting rid of diseases and building body up" to induce people to practice Falun Gong. After they joined his organization, their basic contents of practicing Falun Gong are "Practicing" and "Studying Fa". By reciting the "lections" given by Li Hongzhi time and time again, the Falun Gong practitioners has changed their ways of thinking , moral senses and virtuous standards into what Falun Gong is. They completely lose their self-thinking capabilities. And they absolutely listen to Li Hongzhi and turn into his tools and victims. Until now, Li Hongzhi still considers "Learning Fa" as the basic requirement for the practitioners and he doesn't hesitate to control them mentally. The moment when the practitioners consider the fallacy as the theory, they are deemed to behave what ordinary people could hardly understand, such as commit suicide, burning themselves up and cruelly kill their relatives and other appalling and ridiculous things. According to facts, Falun Gong and its fallacy are mental drugs that kill person without blood. The first to be affected is the practitioners themselves.

The fallacy of Falun Gong is mainly contained in the book named "Zhuan Falun" that is the basic lection of Falun Gong. The book mentions "Karma Theory", "Consummation Theory", "Cultivating Mental Nature Theory", "Life and Death Theory", "Level Theory", "Body and Spirit Disappearance Theory", "Dualistic God Theory" and "Being Created and Ruled by God Theory" and so on. In recent year, he made up the "Fa-Ractifiction Theory", "Old Influence Theory" and "Consummaction of All Flesh Theory". So I would briefly analyze how Falun Gong poisons practitioners' spirit as follow.

Firstly, "Karma(Ye Li) Theory" has changed practitioners' minds on the origin of human beings, and opinions of the aims of living so that they choose "practicing Falun Gong " and "escape from the earth" as their final goal. It leads the practitioners into the endless abysm beyond redemption. "Karma Theory" is basic fallacy that penetrates every Falun Gong fallacy. What Li Hongzhi spread is that after one person does bad thing and kills a living thing could create "karma" that exists not only in this life but also accumulates itself accompanying his eternity. Human beings are living in outer space originally. Because they did bad thing in this life and preexistence so that they accumulated plenty of "karma", they dropped into the earth-"universal garbage station" from the upper level to the lowest level. "The living goal is not being a human being." The purpose is "escaping from the earth", "returning to nature" and "going back to outer space" by practicing Falun Gong.

These opinions are terribly insidious: firstly, it posed the human being in a low and insidious position in premise so that the practitioners are deemed to conclude that, "people must have done bad thing in this life or in preexistence". This fundamentally denies human beings and the practitioners, which made the practitioners have villainous sense. Secondly, it denies the earth that human beings are living in, which supports the academic gist of "theory that the earth is going to explode". Thirdly, it makes people set their living goals at "practicing", "eliminating karma", "increasing Gong" and "escaping from the earth". So the practitioners look down upon this life and forward to eternity. They despise the earth and admire the "special space". They belittle their bodies and want to "go for God". So they are induced to a dangerous evil way that doesn't exist and could not be achieved at all.

Secondly, "Eliminating Karma Theory" completely changes the practitioners' healthy concept, which results in many practitioners' death because they wouldn't like to see doctor. Li Hongzhi uses "karma" to explain human life, oldness, disease and death. He says, "in our practicing realm, we don't refer to disease and talk about it. Instead we talk about karma(Ye Li) which is a disease that cannot be touched." Whenever people get disease, they could do nothing but eliminate karma. Taking an injection or medicine cannot help but aggravate karma. Well, when eliminating karma, one must bear pain. After being tortured by pain, one could pay back the "debt of karma" one owed in his preexistence. And if one wants to eliminate karma, he must practice Falun Gong. "Eliminating Karma Theory" changes the practitioners' healthy concept completely. They think whatever pains they bore as pay back the "debt of karma". So when they are ill, they dare not go to hospital or take an injection or medicine. As a result, they become worse than before and die at last. So "Eliminating karma Theory" is nothing but a suicide theory.

Thirdly, "Pay for the Debt of  Karma Theory" and "Gain or Lose Karma Theory" change the standards that the practitioners use to judge yes from no, right from wrong and good from bad. The practitioners not only cannot tell bad things from good ones and yes from wrong, but also think or behave in an abnormal way. Li Hongzhi bullshits that misfortune and crucifixion one gets is the result of his debt of karma this life or in preexistence and that one couldn't change it easily because "changing it means one cannot pay for the debt when he owes others" and because "changing it means you are doing bad things". In Li Hongzhi's opinion, when you see somebody beat, plundered or killed, and when you see somebody committing an offence in the street, you cannot prevent him. Because maybe the one who was beat, plundered or killed owes debt in his preexistence, if you prevent him to pay for his debt of karma, you are doing badly. No matter who is being teased, beat, abused or even killed, he owes debt this life or in his preexistence. He is paying for debt and you cannot help him. Li Hongzhi said, "I tell you that there are contradictions between people. That one kicked others or beat others is paying what the other owes him in the preexistence. So they are even. If you help one, they can do nothing but do the same in the next time." (Page 329 from "Zhuan Falun") According to human truth, you do a good thing. However, according to God who arranged the case, you do a bad thing." That is to say what we always refer to such as being ready to help others for a just cause, to defend against an injustice and to deter crime are all that cannot be done at all. Someone who is beat, plundered or killed is because he owes someone else in the preexistence. He's worthwhile. This is Li Hongzhi's standard to judge good from bad.

In order to further demonstrate "Pay for the Debt of Karma Theory", he took great pains to make up the "Gain or Lose Karma Theory". He says when one abuses and teases the other one; he is throwing "virtue" to him. The more he abuses, the more the other would get. The person also gains more Gongs and is in a higher lever so that he isn't at a disadvantage situation. This is what some Falun Gong practitioners praise and the reason why they teach others "don't beat others when they beat you and don't abuse others when they do the same." According to such logics, the one who beats or abuses or teases others is good one who sends out "virtue", while the counterparts are debtors who owe other debts. He not only chooses to be beat, abused and teased, but also thanked the beater for he gives you "virtue" and helps you gain more Gongs. This is a bandit theory that Li Hongzhi boost and that there is reasonable when one beats and teases others.

Li Hongzhi also extends his "Pay for the Debt of Karma Theory" to explain war and natural disaster. He bullshits that "human beings are in some stage and accumulate more karma so that they must be punished." and that wherever there is a war in some country and region, there are too more karma that must be eliminated. The places with more karma are not stable. He even indicated that the NanJing Slaughter by Japanese aggressor and the Jewish Slaughter by Hitler are because the dead had bad mental nature and the result of changing astronomical phenomena. This overturns the lines between justice and injustice, aggressor and being aggressed. It's a kind of logic that killing and aggressing are reasonable. In February 2005, when Li Hongzhi teached Fa at the  Fa Conference in West America, he said that the tsunami that killed 300 thousands people in the southeast Asia appeared, because there were plenty of karma. Facing such disastrous natural disaster, Li Hongzhi paid no sympathy but show Roman holiday.

Because Falun Gong overturns the standards for judging good from bad, virtuous from wicked, right from wrong, human beings think what is good, virtuous and right is what Falun Gong considers bad, wicked and wrong, which would lead the practitioners lose their standards for merit and behaving. They would hardly tell good from bad, virtuous from wicked, right from wrong. This tells us in essence that what Falun Gong boost "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" and "to be a good person" is selfish, greedy, cruel and cold-blooded on earth.

Fourthly, "Cultivating Mental Nature Theory" leads the practitioners to vanish human nature and human ethics. They refuse to have anything to do with all kins and friends. Li Hongzhi propagandized that "the real practitioner must cultivate the mind, which is called cultivating mental nature." and that "the person who concentrates on cultivating mental nature, he can gain more Gongs and be in a high level." "Cultivating mental nature", "gaining more Gongs" and "going to a high level" are the contents of Falun Gong practitioners' daily life. Although Li Hongzhi said that cultivating mental nature consists of four parts i.e. "virtue", "forbearance", "savvy" and "abnegating", he emphasized on abnegating. He asked the practitioners to "abnegate the common desire and clinging mind including fame, interest and love and so on." In order to cut the practitioners off their family and lovers, and to foster their admiring and clinching to the Master, Li Hongzhi asked them to cut off family, love, feelings and friendship. He bullshitted that "the mother who gives you the Original God is your real mother. In the metempsychosis, there are so many your mothers who are your mothers and who are not. You cannot count them out. Which is your mother and which is you daughter, you cannot recognize when you close your eyes."(See page 205 from "Zhuan Falun".) Li Hongzhi denied human parents so that he denied filial piety. Under such fallacy, plenty Falun Gong practitioners leave alone their parents, children, the old, family and friends. They became numb and refused to have anything to do with all kins and friends and all their human natures disappeared, which results so many tragedies that couple hated each other and that the family broke and the sons and daughters separated from their family.

Fifthly, "Consummation Theory" leads the practitioners into a roc's egg where it seems that they could become Buddha and God, which cannot be achieved. The key bail that Li Hongzhi used to deceive and induce people to practice Falun Gong is "Buddha, Tao and God when reaching consummaction." The "consummation" that Li Hongzhi reiterated time and time again includes 3 aspects: the first one is "consummation" could lead practitioners to fly to "outer space" and escape from the earth. They could "return to nature" and "avoid being damaged". The second one is "consummation" could make bodies "be substituted by materials with high energy" so that one could live for ever and could not go to bad. The third one is that "consummation" could make somebody get a "Buddha body" and become God. Li Hongzhi promulgated that when one practices to a level of "Theurgy of Buddha", "he turns into God who wants, eat, and plays with whatever he wants. It's even easy to keep the earth in hands." Until the year 2004 and 2005, Li Hongzhi reiterated in his lections in "Stick Wake-up" and  in the Fa conference in Canada  as follows: "practicing is to make people become God" and "human beings could turn into God."

However, lies cannot live for a long time. Under the case that the practitioners couldn't attain their consummation and that they began to doubt their Master, in 2002, Li Hongzhi abortively made up "Consummation of All Flesh Theory" in "Lecture on Falun Gong while Roving in North America". The keys are as follows: the Dafa disciples who practice Falun Gong is to help all flesh, for their own consummation and Gong practicing had already finished; "you are helping more and bigger flesh in other celestial bodies", and "only after they make consummation, you could attain consummation." By "Consummation of All Flesh Theory", Li Hongzhi postponed the date of consummation that cannot see in special sphere so that he leaded the practitioners to the endless abysm. Well, the practitioners still considered consummation as their mental support and to be God as their goals in life, which resulted in that the lots of practitioners went to extremes and crippled their spirits and that some died and became the victims of Falun Gong.

Sixthly, "Life and Death Theory" leads the practitioners to look down upon body and life, even the suicide and killing people. In order to induce the practitioners die for him, Li Hongzhi didn't hesitate to give up the practitioners' lives under the cover of helping people, which induced them to be buried alive with Falun Gong on earth. In order to lead them to despise lives, firstly Li Hongzhi made up the "Original God Exists For Ever Theory", which bullshitted that "The original God of people exists for ever so that when people are dead, they aren't at all. The bodies existing in other spaces are alive." Secondly, he disseminated how wonderful the death is. He claimed that, "when the original God leaves some practitioner's bodies, he sees and feels some spaces so that he feels good and doesn't want to return. As a result, his body dies." "On the moment when someone dies, he doesn't fear but has a potential exciting mood." Thirdly, he preached "Last Phase of the World Doctrine" which cut off the practitioners’ feelings toward the world. Li Hongzhi said, "The space the human beings are living and other spaces are in risk at all." "If human beings continue to drop down, they would face the wrack and ruin, which not only destroys them completely but also damages their body and God. It's terrible!" Fourthly, by the lie that "who can give up life is God, and who cannot is human being", Li Hongzhi induced the practitioners to give up life. In August, 2000, in the lection named "Give up the moods things in the world including not hesitate to give up their body." In so doing, he encouraged them to antagonize the government with their lives. Fifthly, he advocated to "deal with the devil" and to "help human beings", which leads the practitioners to kill others. Well, under such evil lection, the Falun Gong practitioners looked down upon their bodies believing that "original god exists for ever". They considered not only killing people as helping them, but also death as extrication. As a result, there are so many cases such as collective suicide, killing wife and father and killing son and daughter cruelly. Well, what's the most doleful is that many Falun Gong practitioners who were admiring Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong died in the end. So we could identify the poison of Falun Gong through this.

Seventhly, the "Both Body and God Disappear Doctrine" induces the practitioners into complete fears. In order to entice the practitioners, Li Hongzhi held "Long-term Gong", "Consummation" and "to be God" in one hand and on the other hand, he promulgated the "Body and God Disappear Doctrine". In the book "Zhuan Falun", Li Hongzhi indicated who were against Falun Gong were facing that "all their organs would break up completely" and that "their bodies and God would disappear". In the lection at the Fa Conference in Europe of May 1995, Li Hongzhi explained that "Both Body and God Disappear" was to "kill one's all corporeal lives all through his life" on the one hand. On the other hand, "it would kill his microcosmic lives to gradually pay for his Ye debt during the killing process." "Just as when one is in hell, he must endure more such as being baked on the burned iron sheet. All in all, all must be paid in pains and would be killed gradually." By means of "wash out", "destroy" and even "Both Body and God Disappear", Li Hongzhi threatened the practitioners who were about to doubt him and Dafa. So they were afraid very much so as not to betray him, some of whom were in extreme panic and blues and some of whom were delirium and committed suicide in the end.

Eighthly, "Fa-Rectification Theory" pushes the practitioners to criminal abysm. In July 1999, the Chinese government banned the Falun Gong cult. Then, Li Hongzhi carried out the "Fa-Rectification Theory" to entice the practitioners to antagonize the government in public. Its contents are as follows: during the period of "Fa-Rectification", it's not important for the practitioners to reach consummation. What's the most important is to walk out to help others and tell the truth; during the period of "Fa-Rectification", the three key things for the practitioners to do are studying the Fa, making the righteous thoughts and telling the truth. And the most important is telling the truth; the period for practitioners' attainment of consummation and cultivating was over. The contents and forms of practicing Falun Gong were telling the truth. This April, In "Lecture in Fa conference in New York", Li Hongzhi put the "Fa-Rectification" to the highest level. He claimed that, "All that exist nowadays including history and Three Realms are for Fa-Rectification,  i.e. everything was set for this time." In order to drive out those who studied Fa and practiced at home, since 2000, Li Hongzhi made up some lections such as "Lecture on Falun Gong While Roving in North America", "Put Down Your Human Mind and Help Others", "We Need the Righteous Thoughts Instead of Human Mind During Fa-Rectification " and "Stick a Wake-up" to entice, blame and to threaten the practitioners. He said angrily "Who can be helped by the universal Dafa? The life that was helped by Dafa is just to attain one's consummation? How can the one be a Falun Gong practitioner? Are those who stay at home and study Dafa? Or those who just want to learn something from Dafa but who don't want to do something for Dafa? Especially when some Dafa practitioners are under prosecution, those who don't want to tell the truth of Dafa and who just want to stay at home and learn from Dafa. What these people are!" He also got up on his hind legs and used a"stick" to"wake up" those who didn't listen to him or who were thinking what he'd said, especially those who were "sneaking and went to the edge of evil"(in Li Hongzhi's mind). So we could see that "Fa-Rectification Theory" is use by Li Hongzhi to drive the practitioners out of home to antagonize the government and to make troubles. So he could obtain the support by the western anti-Chinese forces. Li Hongzhi was so insidious that he pushed the practitioners to the criminal abysm and the Labor Through Education Station and even the prisons, so that he could make up evidences as if the Chinese government had prosecuted the practitioners. However, the practitioners following the "Fa-Rectification Theory" committed crimes and became the victims of Falun Gong.

Ninthly, "Old Influence Theory" was used for Li Hongzhi to indicate and attack CCP and Chinese Government. He also used the theory to control the practitioners. Until now, Li Hongzhi always used the concept of "Old Influence". In the lecture on Falun Gong which was held in Washington. D.C. last July, Li Hongzhi said that, "the existing purpose of CCP" and "the history in its first stage and the maintaining stage are all used for the Dafa practitioners to rectify Dafa. This is arranged by the old influence." This year, he made up the book named "Comprehensively Disaggregate Everything in Three Realms That Interrupt the Fa-Rectification Period", which said that "for a long time, the Old Influence and evil God in Three Realms are playing a bad role." On 22 July, this year, in the Lecture on Falun Gong in Washington D.C., Li Hognzhi said that, "The period of  Fa-Rectification is so important that we couldn't let the Old Influence in."

What on earth the Old Influence that was made up by Li Hongzhi is? In the Lecture on Falun Gong in the Fa Conference in Washington D.C. of 2001, Li Hongzhi explained that, "The Old Influence that is controlling all the flesh and the process of  Fa-Rectification is the real hindrance for rectifying Fa." In the Lecture on Falun Gong in North America, he said, "The Old Influence is correcting Fa, I'm using everything I can control. If not, the Old Influence would use all the flesh in the old universe to deal with me. The moment when the real time for Fa-Rectification comes, I just wave my hands and they would be destroyed by me soon. Then there will be no life in the old universe. Does this betray my own purpose? So I use the Old Influence to plan all these things." So we could conclude that what Li Hongzhi tells about the Old Influence is a "chaos God" that can "control both all the flesh and the period of rectifying Fa" and that can compete with Li Honghzi and that has played a negative role. There are three purposes for Li Hongzhi to disdain and vilify the Old Influence as follows: firstly, it's the Old Influence that prevents the practitioners to attain consummation so that there's nothing to do with Li Hongzhi; secondly, he stigmatized the CCP and Chinese government as the representatives of the Old Influence. In so doing, he led the hate from the practitioners to the CCP and Chinese government; thirdly, he used the Old Influence to punish and threaten the practitioners who didn't listen to or doubted about Li Hongzhi. He considered those, who didn't listen to him or who was not capable or who didn't behave well, as the ones "who was sent by the Old Influence to interfere and play a negative role". "Some Dafa practitioners signed a contract with the Old Influence in history" and the practitioners who didn't behave well were "sent by the Old Influence to do that." In so doing, the reputation of Old Influence was given to the practitioners who didn't listen to him. And this became a magic weapon for him to renovate the organization and to deal with those who were against him. While many practitioners were afraid of becoming the ones who were "sent by the Old Influence" or becoming ones who has "signed a contract with the Old Influence", they listened to Li Hongzhi and did more for Falun Gong.

Tenthly, "Being Created and Ruled by God Theory" made the practitioners into tools that listened to Li Hongzhi completely. In order to make the practitioners listen to him, Li Hongzhi preached "Being Created and Ruled by God Theory" by the fact that people are apt to superstition. So he made himself God. Firstly, he promulgated the Fatalism to persuade the practitioners into believing that their lives were arranged by God and could not be changed. Then, he made himself as God. Li Hongzhi was the most capable of making himself God. He preached that the universe was created by God. And so were human beings. Well, he was the most capable God who was from Higher and Farther places. He was also the creator of the universe. He said that, "the lives from different levels of universe, globe, sky, and bigger sky were created by the highest God's thought." "There is no universe without me. I come here for helping all the flesh when the bigger universal sky is disaggregated." And "the development of society was also created by God. It's God who masters the world." And so were the development of human beings. The ones with more happiness and abilities would be higher officers. Li Hongzhi also used  "Being Created and Ruled by God Theory" to attack CCP. He considered the great changes in eastern European countries and the disintegration of the Soviet Union as the works of God. What' more ridiculous is that Li Hongzhi used God to glorify U.S.. In the Lecture on Falun Gong in Fa conference in New York City of 2004, Li Hongzhi said that "Why God chose U.S. to become strong and wealthy? The God just let it be." And "it's not that Americans are born to be special, but that God make it." The words were so disgusting that even the Americans could not tell them out.

In order to control the practitioners better, Li Hongzhi had improved the level of the practitioners in his lectures since 2003. He chose some practitioners to be God by ways of that "I asked you to practice to be God", "All Dafa practitioners are God" and of that "You are the Dafa disciples. You are unprecedented. You are God that all flesh wants to be." Then he used the name of God to control the disciples severely. In the lecture on Falun Gong in New York  on Easter Day of April 2004, Li Hongzhi shouted his hoarse to Dafa disciples that "you should follow what I tell you to do. No matter what you are thinking of, what I told you to do is most powerful." So, "Being Created and Ruled by God Theory" is the last lifesaving talisman he could seize. It not only is the mental backbone for him to survive, but also the tools for him to hoax the practitioners.

Besides the said fallacy, there was also a "Fa Body(or Buddha Body) Doctrine" that was used by him recently. He used the "Fa Body" to protect the practitioners on the surface. However, he scrutinized them. He bullshitted that there was also Original God that was outside the body and that lived forever. It included Chief Original God and Deputy Original God. He mentioned the "Metempsychosis of Karma Doctrine" that decided the metempsychosis according to karma. he also promulgated the idealistic philosophy, such as "Theory of Spirit and Matter Are Equal.", "Doctrine of Spirits Lurk Behind Everything" and so on.

From the acts that the Falun Gong addicts in their conscious, psychological and physical aspects, Falun Gong practitioners were contaminated just as if they were using drugs. They are glassy-eyed, vacant, and cruel and were exaggeratedly behaving themselves. They were in different degrees of paranoid mental disorders and different from before. So we could conclude that Falun Gong fallacy was a mental drug on earth.

(Kaiwind, October 16, 2007)
