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Cult, the formidable enemy of modern civilization

2007-08-24 Author:Shao Jingjun

Although mankind entered the stage of civilized society long ago, the struggle between civilization and savagery has still existed all along. Thus has civilization developed. As civilization has different connotations in different historical periods, so has savagery different forms of expression. Today, when both material and spiritual civilizations are highly developed, cults like "Falun Gong" represents the epitome of modern savagery. Like a malignant tumor attached to the social body, "Falun Gong" is a formidable enemy of modern civilization. The more exposure and repudiation of "Falun Gong", the quicker eradication of its pernicious influence, and the more benefits for the construction of modern civilization and the all-round progress of society.

In comparison with the blatant ancient forms of savagery, the modern savagery of the heretical "Falun Gong" is decked out in the finery of modern "civilization." Its followers are lured by prospects of "eliminating disease, promoting health and cultivating one's nature." As for its public image, in the guise of "truthfulness, benevolence and tolerance," it advertises its goal as "saving mankind and bringing about a bright world." But when its mask is stripped away, we can easily recognize its ferocious features as modern savagery.

The core of modern civilization is to exalt mankind and develop by way of meeting people's rational needs and promoting their sound development. But the essence of "Falun Gong" is to denigrate mankind, strangle the sound development of human beings and harm human nature.

How does "Falun Gong" regard mankind? It has a three-pronged approach. First, the "rubbish theory", which smears mankind. Li Hongzhi fabricated a theory that "mankind has fallen down from every part of the universe, and finally onto the Earth. The Earth serves as the rubbish depot of the universe, and the human race is the rubbish of the universe, full of evils." Second, he entraps people with the "karma theory." Li Hongzhi claims that "mankind is not only the rubbish of the universe, but must also suffer 'karma retribution' to pay the debts accrued in previous lives, and transmigrate forever in the sea of misery." Third, with the "theory of saving people from the sea of misery" he attempts to strangle human nature. How can people escape from the "sea of misery"? Li Hongzhi waves the flag of "saving mankind and the world." But, according to him, the only way for people to be saved is for them to listen to the master and love the master only." The "master," of course, is Li Hongzhi himself.

With this three-pronged approach, Li Hongzhi ensures his complete control of the minds of his victims. They are allowed no thoughts, ideas, kinship, friendship, dignity, rights, rational needs, or even life and health of their own. How can a person be a human being without all the above-mentioned? In order to realize the ulterior political aims of the "Falun Gong" organization, Li Hongzhi even let his "disciples" violate the law, claiming that "it would be better to shed some blood." As "Falun Gong" wantonly cheats people, harms people, deprives them of human rights and suppresses human nature, --if this cannot be called savagery, what should it be called? In addition, all the perverse anti-social acts of "Falun Gong" derive from an anti-mankind standpoint. The essence of "Falun Gong," as modern savagery, is to be anti-mankind.

With science as its basic characteristic, modern civilization is propelled by science. But "Falun Gong" declares that "it does not recognize modern sciences at all." In this way, it also denies modern civilization.

Li Hongzhi and his "Falun Gong" benefit from and make use of a lot of the achievements of material civilization created by the modern sciences on the one hand, such as by issuing "orders" and "scriptures" by means of the Internet other modern means of communications, and pursuing activities harmful to society by plane and automobile; on the other, they attack science with hatred and malicious remarks. At the same time, Li Hongzhi attacks science for not being able yet to solve the problems of aging and death, as well as some other enigmas. In the realm of "Falun Gong," science is "wrong" and "useless." People should believe in nothing but "Falun Dafa," despite its lack of logic and evidence, and its arrogance and conceit. But the lamentable fact that more than 1,400 people have died as a result of practicing "Falun Gong" tells us that "Falun Dafa"--the "ladder for saving people" leads to destruction instead of "heaven."

"Falun Gong" has repeatedly claimed that it is "solely concerned with practicing its tenets." So why is it so hostile to science? The answer is simple: Modern science is the most important achievement of modern civilization, as well as the most powerful propelling force and natural enemy of heresies like "Falun Gong." One basic indication that modern civilization differs from ancient civilization and civilization in the Middle Ages is its discovery and utilization of science, and the basic characteristic of science is seeking truth from facts. Science gradually solves the mysteries of nature and history, and promotes the advance of human society to higher levels of civilization. Superstition and heretical ideas are bound to flounder in failure in the long run in their confrontation with science. As Engels said, with the promotion of science, armies put down their weapons one by one, fortresses surrender one after another; in the end, limitless fields of nature will be overwhelmed by science and leave no room for the Creator. It is not surprising that "Falun Gong" is struck with terror before science, which possesses such overwhelming power, and spares no effort to deny science. Only in this way can "Falun Gong" be peddled to the public and survive. But, by denying science, Li Hongzhi is simply banging his head against a brick wall. The progress of science and the development of civilization cannot be reversed. As the development of science is an endless process, there are spheres of nature, society and man in which the modern sciences can do nothing for the time being. But, with the development of science, the sunshine of science will light up every corner of the world and leave no room for any superstitions or heretical ideas.

(People's Daily, November 7, 1999)
