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What is Falun Gong's righteous thoughts

2007-11-08 Source:Kaiwind Author:By: Qi Zijiang

8 years have passed since Li Hongzhi migrated to US. With certain elaboration, overseas Falun Gong's force has for a time increased dramatically and its founder Li Hongzhi thus became well-known "international master". But things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. In recent years as leadership in Falun Gong contended for power and profit, the Falun Gong organization was collapsing and Li Hongzhi's theocratic statue dropped rapidly and was now in the imminent danger. In order to hold back the declining tendency and stabilize his superior statue as "Master", on August 4, 2007, Li Hongzhi had to spend much money (about 60,000 to 70,000 dollars for traveling expense along "to invite" Australian Falun Gong practitioners to US) to have a "necessary" meeting- Fa Teaching to Australian Falun Gong Practitioners. When talked about the chaos in the Falun Gong organization, Li Hongzhi sighed, "Why it is so different for Australian practitioners?" According to Li Hongzhi, the most important reasons were that the Falun Gong disciples didn't differentiate internal affairs from external affairs, the major conception was "unclear", "Falun Gong disciples had no confidence in each other", "Righteous thoughts were insufficient" and things like that. About how to save itself, Li Hongzhi proposed to "have sufficient righteous thoughts". It seems as if sending sufficient righteous thoughts may resolve all conflicts and crises.

What is "righteous thoughts"? Just as the phase implies, "righteous thoughts" shall be something opposite to "evil thoughts", referring to a kind of pure and proper thoughts. There is no such a word as Zhengnian (righteous thoughts) in both Modern Chinese Dictionary and Chihai (1997 edition). Finally I found on the internet that the phase-as a term of cult Falun Gong created by Li Hongzhi-didn't not mean pure thought. In his early stages of preaching Falun Gong in Mainland China, Li Hongzhi didn't use the term "righteous thoughts"- possibly because he didn't reach a stage of sending so called righteous thoughts at that time. It was when he took refuge abroad that he finally got such a "matchless magic weapon" through "devoted practicing".

On April 24, 2001, in his article "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful", Li Hongzhi referred to "sending righteous thoughts" for the first time. In this "lection", Li Hongzhi said, "Why should you, a Dafa disciple, fear the evil ones when enduring persecution? The crux of the matter is that you have attachments. If not, do not endure passively, and face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times...Actually, every Dafa disciple has abilities. It's just that the abilities do not manifest in the surface, so they think that they don't have supernormal abilities. But regardless of whether they can manifest in the surface or not, when a person's True Thoughts come forth they are very powerful."

Consequently, Minghui Net published articles like Sending Forth Righteous thoughts, Sending Forth Righteous thoughts Again, Sending Forth Righteous thoughts for the Third Time and Eradicating the Evil and Others, urging cult Falun Gong members to silently recite "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated". Li Hongzhi even taught his disciples the way of sending righteous thoughts, calling Falun Gong disciples around the world to send collectively righteous thoughts once a week and last five minutes each time since June 10 that year, so that they may disintegrate evil forces in the three realms that interrupted Falun Dafa.

In Fa Teaching at the Conference in Florida, USA and Fa Teaching while Touring North America, Li Hongzhi further clarified "sending righteous thoughts" as the three major missions of Falun Gong. Therefore, "sending righteous thoughts" became more and more important in Falun Gong. All Falun Gong diehards tried to take "sending righteous thoughts" as a countermove. According to Falun Gong, "sending righteous thoughts" means Falun Gong practitioners sending out certain idea in silence. With Master's help, the idea will have effect on the target and change the target. By this, it means that any wish can be realized in just a blink of time.

Those supernatural beings and monsters with great theurgy in many ancient Chinese myths and fantasies generally had their "magic weapon". For instance, in Canonization of the Gods (Fengshen Bang, a famous Chinese fairy tale noval), Nezha had Rings of Heaven and Earth and Yin Jiao had Turn-heaven Seal. Turn-heaven Seal, a magic weapon being originally used to guard the Taoyuan cave of Jiuxian Mountain, was passed from Yin Jiao's master to him. Whenever Yin Jiao encountered powerful enemy, he would wield it in the air and shouted "Ji", then the seal would tamp on the enemy from the sky accurately-even fearful than the precision-guided missile of US. Even his master Guang Chenzhi would get extremely frightened when Yin Jiao used that weapon. It is said that "sending righteous thoughts" is also a fearful magic weapon with great power. Just as What Li Hongzhi said in his lection "What is Function" (published on June 14, 2001), "Disciples can make use of righteous thoughts as you like and can get what they want." In the lection "The Effect of Righteous Thoughts" published in the same year, Li Hongzhi said, "The effect you've eliminated the evil with righteous thoughts is truly significant. A great number of evil beings have been eliminated, and some have been partially eliminated. This has knocked the life out of them, has eradicated the evil in many dimensions not yet reached by the Fa-rectification, and has had the effect of eliminating and frightening the evil persons." In Touring North America to Teach Fa he made it even more lifelike, "Sending forth righteous thoughts is another really magnificent thing for our Dafa disciples...Remember back when you first started to send forth righteous thoughts? Those evil beings that were persecuting Dafa disciples came over immediately, lining up in formation and beating their drums. Through sending forth righteous thoughts for a period of time, you have cleaned out large quantities of those evil factors. Now when you send forth righteous thoughts, the evil things escape. As soon as Dafa disciples hold their palms erect they flee. Dafa disciples are able to righteously look the evil people straight in the eyes, and the evil people immediately try to avoid eye contact. That's because the righteous thoughts scare off the evil beings that manipulate the evil people, since they know that if they flee just a bit too slowly they'll be instantly eliminated by Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts. That's why the evil is now constantly contracting itself around where the evil is concentrated in China. The evil factors that are controlling people's minds in other parts of the world are in the final stage of being eliminated."

Well, if you don't believe, they would convince you examples as follows.

Sending righteous thoughts can make the target change arbitrarily. On July 2, 2007, Minghui Net published an anonymous disciple's article "Witnessing the Mighty Power of Righteous thoughts". In the article, the disciple shared his magic success in sending righteous thoughts, so at to justify Li Hongzhi's decree of sending righteous thoughts arbitrarily. The disciple who claimed to be a teacher narrated the examples of getting "evil forces" around by sending righteous thoughts. The first example happened on the first day of school. When all the teachers and students gathered together in the school playground to hold the ceremony to raise the red flag, he sent righteous thoughts and the school's loudspeaker couldn't make any other sound but broadcasted funeral music instead. The second incident happened to a colleague of his. When the teacher who shared an office with him played evil spirited music on her computer in the office, he sent forth righteous thoughts and the sound stopped. The third incident happened to several old men at entrance of his neighborhood who played the er-hu (a Chinese string fiddle). Once he heard them playing music filled with Communist elements, he sent forth a thought to clear the evil spirits and specters behind. Since then, the old people could no longer play Communist music but folk songs instead. In the article there is a paragraph with brilliant description, "Once a  time I went to a residential area to distribute Falun Gong materials. There was a surveillance system in the area, so it was not safe to distribute the materials during the day time. I waited until dark to go into the neighborhood and I noticed that each building had an electronic gate. I passed by several buildings and I could not find an open gate. I thought, 'since I'm here, I must deliver the material in order to save the residents.' Shortly I arrived at the last building and I walked directly toward the single door at the very end. I pulled the electronic gate that was tightly closed and it opened gently. At that time, I felt a warm energy in my heart and I knew that  Master was with me. Master must have known that I wanted to deliver the materials, thus he helped me open the door. I was so moved that tears rolled down my face. My whole body was filled with energy and I felt extremely happy." -- How fantastic righteous thoughts is! It must be something as magic as Ali Baba's "Open, sesame!"

Sending righteous thoughts can punish the "villains". Falun Gong listed the top villains and cursed them. When righteous thoughts were sent, it would take effect just like precision-guided missile. Minghui Net published a lot of examples to prove this. For exemple, the chief of a police station who "prosecuted" Falun Gong followers,  his son was beaten to be a vegetative being; a traffic police team leader died as he cursed Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong; a local leader in charge of political and law affairs was hospitalized for having "prosecuted" Falun Gong followers; a model Falun Gong converter became ulcerous all over his body for having betrayed and interrupted "Falun Dafa"; a couple who abused Li Hongzhi after being converted, their son-in-law died for lightning shock. Many other examples such leg or arm broken, with hemiplegy, cancer or died from traffic accident, are nothing but illustration of villains who got revenged. How sad it was for those victims and how happy might it be for the Falun Gong members!

"Sending righteous thoughts" can lustrate disease. On April 2, 2007, Minghui Net published an article with the title of "Falun Dafa Gives a Second Life to a Later Stage Uraemia Patient". The article stated as follows: In the evening of December 31, 2006, a later stage uraemia patient was sent to hospital urgently for his situation was suddenly getting worse- "his legs couldn't move and he could hardly breath." As his mother was a Falun Gong disciple, she "recited Fa and sent righteous thoughts" and the patient could walk as a healthy man after he slept serenely for one night without any treatment.-- What a miracle! So the "thoughts" cured the disease with better effect than medicine.

Sending righteous thoughts can help the spouse abstain from sexual desire. A female Falun Dafa disciple shared her experience on Minghui Net by saying, "When my husband asked me to make love with him, I could not directly say no to him although I didn't want to make love. Therefore I sent righteous thoughts ceaselessly, asking Master to help me to eliminate my husband's letch. About half a year later, Master enlightened me in my dream that he had got rid of half of his letch. Since then, he was not as lusty as before. In mid March this year, tinea emerged on his hip, on which medicine had no effect. I know it must be Master cleaning his body." - How fantastic it is! So the "thoughts" countered against letch.

There are many such examples showing power and effect of "righteous thoughts" on the net. In this sense, although "righteous thoughts" are shapeless, it can help to clear all evils in the world, defeat the enemy, cure disease and relive from disaster, get rid of people's sexual desire and save people. What a magic weapon it must be!

Unfortunately, the examples propagated by Falun Gong are nothing but a kind of trickery for children, but they could not deceive the adults since they left so many doubtful points. It might be useful in bewildering the obsessed but not clear-headed people. Well, do you think Li Hongzhi's claiming that "evils" are mostly disintegrated is true? In fact, it is right on the contrary. It is not the party fighting against Falun Gong that was weakened and cleared. It is indeed Falun Gong itself that is weakened and declined gradually. It gets harder and harder for Falun Gong to sustain itself not only at home but also abroad. The allegation that sending righteous thoughts may have the target changed arbitrarily is nothing but self-deceiving fantastic talk. The anonymous article "Witnessing the Mighty Power of Righteous thoughts" seems to be lifelike but is in fact fiction. No matter how vivid it describes, it can only amuse us instead of convincing us.

If it is really so fantastic, the thieves need not break into rooms since they can take things by sending righteous thoughts; no weapon is needed in wars since sending thoughts may easily defeat the enemies; the poor need not worry about his shabbiness if sending thoughts may bring them gold and any treasures he wishes to have... Those stories about retribution were on hearsay evidences and could not be verified (since no exact was given), nor need them be verified. Since rumor stops at the wise, people can justify them by themselves. And if righteous thoughts can cure disease, what role shall hospitals and doctors play? It is true that psychological factors have certain influence on disease and positive psychosis may help to maintain good health? What benefit does Li Hongzhi's righteous thoughts have then? In Fact, sending righteous thoughts will have no help to curing disease but making it worse. Why did Li Guodong, Feng Lili, Zhu Genshu and other people in the senior leadership of overseas Falun Gong die sequentially? The reason shall be that Li Hongzhi didn't send righteous thoughts in time or that sending righteous thoughts had contrary effect against his wishes. Refraining sexual desire by sending righteous thoughts shall be regarded as a great innovation of Falun Gong. While sex intercourse between husband and wife is indeed natural and legal, Falun Gong takes it dirty and wicked. Indulged in sex is in fact not good, but what good can it do by terminating sex in practicing Falun Gong? Falun Gong requires its disciples to stop sexual life and abandon persistency in practicing for consummation. If so, not to say practicing to sexless, might it results in Falun Gong deceasing without successors? Isn't it more fantastic that sending righteous thoughts are more powerful than "Turning-heaven Seal" for someone to refrain ardor of the spouse by doing so?

Well let's come back to our topic now. Li Hongzhi's Fa Teaching  to Australian Falun Gong practitioners was meant to address the problem of uniting Falun Dafa disciples. How could Li Hongzhi succeed in this? Li Hongzhi could do nothing but using the magic weapon of sending righteous thoughts to address the internal conflict and faction strifes in Falun Gong. Since righteous thoughts are not the invincible "Turning-heaven Seal", it will do no help to Li Hongzhi no matter how hard does he try to boast it. It shall be "lust of the mind" if one has a maggot in his head while seeing beauty and it shall be "spiritual victory" if one hopes to defeat the enemy in just send thoughts. In a word, "sending righteous thoughts" are the modern version of ancient wizard as well as a kind of self-deceiving legerdemain. Wellaway! The most powerful righteous thoughts could save neither Falun Gong nor Li Hongzhi himself.

So is it possible for Master Li to show us, the ordinary people, some better "magic weapons"?

(Kaiwind, October 23, 2007)

