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Is Falun Dafa a part of Buddha dharma?

2007-07-25 Author:Zhenyan

At the beginning of Characteristics of Falun Dafa, a section of Turning Falun, it writes, "Our Falun Dafa is one of the forty-eight thousand doctrines of Buddha." To people who do not have a clear understanding of the history of Buddhism, this saying is very deceitful. Indeed, is it true? Is Falun Dafa a part of Buddha dharma?

First of all, Buddhism never has forty-eight thousand doctrines.

Second, the "Buddha dharma" talked about by Li Hongzhi is absolute fabrication. By distorting and misrepresenting some terms in Buddhism as well as slandering Buddhism and defaming Buddhists, he managed to apotheosize himself, deceive believers and fool followers. The Falun Dafa of Li Hongzhi has nothing in common with the core theory of Buddhism. Rather, they are opposing and conflicting with each other.

Buddha dharma, in its original meaning, is the teaching of Buddha, that is, the dogmata or theory of Buddhism. A theory as it is, it is never divided into "preliminary level" and "advanced level".  However, in the "analects" of Turning Falun, Li Hongzhi plays down the traditional Buddhist Dharma as of "preliminary level" so as to demonstrate that his "Buddha dharma" is of "advanced level". As a matter of fact, his vague "Buddha dharma" is definitely not of the same clan with Buddhist theory.

There used to be a theory of "three ages" in Buddhism, which meant that after the death of Sakyamuni, the spreading of Buddhism experienced three stages: "principle Dharma age", "image Dharma age", and "end Dharma age". The "end Dharma age" was obviously not the same thing as the age we now live in. However, Li Hongzhi arrogated that we are now in the "end Dharma age". He said, "In the end Dharma age, Buddhist monks in the temples are difficult to even send themselves to heaven, let alone other people. Now I am the only one in the whole world who is publicly promoting "principle Dharma". I am doing something that has never been done, and is opening such a wide gate in the end Dharma age, which is not seen for thousands of years." He even forbids Falun Gong followers to contact other Buddhists, saying that such contact would "destroy Dafa and the commandment of Buddhism". When did Buddhism ever limit people’s liberty of social communication? It is too obvious that such fallacies and absurdities fabricated by Li Hongzhi himself are inconsistent with Buddha dharma.  His sole purpose is to deceive believers and cheat kind people.There is a term in Buddhism called "Dharma-cakra"(Falun).  This is basically an analogy to Buddha dharma, meaning that when the Buddha was teaching the Dharma, he never stopped, like a turning wheel. It also means that like all-conquering chariot wheels, Buddha dharma can destroy all worries and fallacies. Buddhists regard "Dharma-cakra" as a compliment to the Buddha dharma and dogma they believe in, having spiritual and emotional sustenance in it.  There is no mystery or special functions in "Dharma-cakra". However, Li Hongzhi describes Falun as something mysterious, spiritual, imperceptible to human but only he could give out to people to protect practicers. Li Hongzhi said, "Falun is the microcosm of the universe, possessing all its functions, and it can turn and rotate itself", and "Being a true practicer, you will be protected by our Falun." The purpose of Li Hongzhi to apotheosize Falun is to control the mind of Falun Gong practicers, because only he himself could "give" them Falun and teach them how to "practice Falun". Without Li Hongzhi, nobody can get Falun.

"Embodiment of Dharma"(Fashen) is a concept of the Buddhism theory that is of no image or quantity. Originally, it was the personification of  the teaching by Buddha, referring to the spirit and general principles of Buddha dharma. Later, it was widely used in all kinds of Buddhist Canons, being regarded as the origin and eternal existence of Buddha. 

It is of the same kind as concepts like "embodiment of Buddha", "nature of Dharma", and "nature of Buddha", unique to Buddha. However, Li Hongzhi said that when one has practiced long enough to reach a quite advanced level out of the worldly law, he would have "Fashen".  "Fashen" comes out of the pubic region of the human body, consisting of  "Fa" and "Gong", and would be revealed in another space. In this way, Li Hongzhi tried to demonstrate that he had "Fashen" too, and declared "I have innumerable ‘Fashen’, possess tremendous special prowess, and can show great magic power", just like a savior.

What does "karma-reward" in Buddhism referred to?  In Buddhism, it is believed that all thoughts, talks and actions of man will inevitably generate corresponding results (karma).  It is emphasized that one should be responsible for himself, and one can only change his fate by his own effort rather than by any god outside.  Besides, one of the five kinds of knowledge of Buddhism ("five brightnesses") is just "brightness in prescriptions". Many Buddhist dignitaries are masters of  medicine, treating diseases and relieving pains for patients. In Buddhist Canons, there is nothing like the "karma power reward" talked about by Li Hongzhi. Only Li said that becoming ill was related to karma and was "karma power reward". "One’s suffering in illness is a result of the bad things he did before", so one is getting the punishment he deserves, paying the debt he owed.  "Since you are in debt, you should pay back." He forbids treating diseases, claiming that "if he is cured, the discipline of universe will be destroyed, for it means that one can do bad things and does not have to pay back what he owes. This is not allowed." He even said, "One thing should be clarified.  That is, common ways of treating disease, such as practicing Qigong or going to hospital, are pushing back the basic cause of the disease. The cause is pushed to the future, the latter half of one’s life.  The karma power is not influenced. The only way to remove the karma power is to practice Falun Dafa."  Indeed, Falun Dafa is taught only by Li Hongzhi. This means that you should dead set on following him. How sinister and mean he is!

Among the core and terms of Falun Dafa, which one is genuinely from Buddhism? None!

Falun Dafa is absolutely not one of the doctrines of Buddha!


(People's Daily, Overseas Section, August 15 and 16, 2000)

