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The Falun Gong IS a crazy cult, just like Scientology

2009-05-13 Author:By: ESYK

A good buddy of mine got invited to attend a Divine Performance Arts Show from the Falun Gong. He showed me a flyer which featured the stereotypical Oriental dancers in their exotic Oriental costumes, giving the impression of an elegant Chinese culture and arts performance show. Apparently not so. My friend attended the show and had some very interesting and notable points to share with me.

It is one thing to criticize the Chinese government, but it is another to use sensationalist propaganda to gain sympathy from benign audiences. The show portrayed the Falun Gong as innocent victims. The bad guys wore black jackets with the communist hammer and sickle logo, and were depicted kicking dogs and children.

Since that episode, my friend had received a series of Internet e-mails from the Falun Gong. Furthermore, they sent him books by mail, including a Falun Gong Bible. The most disturbing incident of all was when he got an unannounced visit from Falun Gong members at his workplace office. They had a camera with them and wanted my friend to answer some questions and speak in front of the camera. His co-workers were taken aback and wondered who these people were.

Now, this doesn't take away from the validity of the Falun Gong's claims of persecution. Regardless of their activities, members of that sect should not be tortured, enslaved and have their organs harvested. All the same, allegations that the Falun Gong employ tactics of seduction, coercion and deception to recruit new members are of grave concern.

My friend, being a liberal Catholic and very open-minded, has already decided that he will read the Falun Gong Bible so he can learn more about the religion and what it has to say. It will be interesting for him to share how he feels personally about their views and maybe eye-opening for me to digest all the information he will dispense from his readings.

(Discoverdvforum.com, Apr 28 2009)

Original text from: http://www.discoverdvforum.com/index.php?showtopic=350098&mode=threaded
