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Yelp War! Fans vs. foes of Falun Gong-ish "Shen Yun" – opens today at our opera house


This "Falun Gong Show" bit here from SFist Rita and Civic Center Mike* from back in ought-seven probably tellsyou all what you need to know about the Shen Yun Performing Arts Spectacular at the War Memorial Opera House in Civic Center starting tonight. The whole shebang runs all the way to December 30th, 2010.

The minimum ticket price is $100 per. Ouch. And the one-star vs. five-star YelpWar rages on.

Most of the five-star reviews at Yelp.com come from members of Falun Gong / Falun Dafa and some of the one-star reviews come directly from the unelected Red Chinese government– so there's your universe of people who care strongly enough about this show to take the trouble to register their opinion on the Yelp but then Yelp nevermore.

Here's a taste of the action:

Mind you, this tit for tat above made it through Yelp's patented Fraud Filter no problem. Now, here's Yelp's purgatory for a whopping 53 comments on the Shen Yun. See? It's chock-a block-full of the vitryole.

So that's how it sits in the 415. The Falun Gong are banned from the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade in Chinatown by Rose Pak but they'll always have the veteran's parade and the FGS, so that's some consolation.

Anyway, choose or lose.


(San Francisco Citizen, December 28, 2010)


Original text from: http://sfcitizen.com/blog/2010/12/28/yelpwar-fans-vs-foes-of-falun-gong-ish-shen-yun-opens-today-at-our-opera-house/
