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Bible thumpers?

2012-11-12 Author:By Kyle

Time to point out the ignorance on the side of the west, when it comes to China.

I just saw this video report from CNN, and I have already sent them a few e-mails pointing out the fallacy of this report.


Bibles can only be obtained through officially recognized churches? HUH?

People are unable to freely obtain Bibles? HUH?

Look, I do make complaints about China, but after all it is where I live, and I think I should be able to complain about my home. But at least my complaints are based on facts… this thing just went all out in left field to come up with this lie.

Bibles can be purchased at any bookstore in China. I have bought two myself. And I didn't see the long arm of the Communist Party trying to stop me either time.

I honestly don't know where they come up with this stuff sometimes.

It is like they are using sensationalist Cold War era "Communist threat" propaganda just to sell a piece on the fact that China is soon to become the largest printer of Bibles in the world.

Ok, so the government of China does not like Falun Gong. But this whole thing of "persecution" is just hogwash. When you understand the fact that China views religion as a business, much of what goes on becomes quite clear.

"Underground Churches" in China are not so much underground because the government does not want people to believe in any religion, it is because these churches are practicing without a license.

Even the US government has requirements for recognizing a religion. So, they may not be as narrow as China's, but I am sure there are several organizations looking to become recognized religions, which feel the same way about the US government.

Falun Gong is outlawed because it seems to spend more time trying to change the government, than actually trying to broaden someone's spirituality.

Look, if stopping "subversive organizations" makes what the government is doing to Falun Gong a bad thing… then the US government does the same thing every time someone tries to purchase a firearm. (Read the fine print on the forms… you must swear you do not belong to any subversive organization (rather a broad term), or an organization intent on overthrowing the government.)

Ok, so, disagree with the license deal if you like, but don't make these people sound as if the Communist Party is throwing Christians to the lions or anything.

As I pointed out long ago, a neurosurgeon in China is not going to be able to start cracking open skulls in the US, without a license. Does this mean that the US government is oppressing the people and ruling health care with some iron fist? No, I don't think so.

Yes, every year you hear reports of missionaries being detained and their bibles confiscated. But did you ever REALLY wonder about the reasons this happens? It is because these people come over with crates of Bibles and start preaching without going through the correct legal process. Hey, you can't even teach finger painting to a primary school child in the US without going through the legal process.

Do the Democrats or Republicans have an officially recognized religion for their parties? No. Does this mean that they are all atheists who want to remove religion from the whole country? Of course not.

Guess what… so the Communist Party does not have an officially recognized religion. The same goes for them.

I understand that in the past there may have been some persecution, but even I must question all of that after having lived here for four years.

And, sure… the Chinese government tries to control the appointment of Bishops and so forth with the Catholic Church… Ok, I could comment on this, but I don't want to turn it into a "What IS the difference between Communism and Catholicism?" post.

It really does take having to live in another country, to actually see the propaganda at work in America. (Although I honestly do not believe there is as much as what China dishes out, there still is plenty.)

Seriously, this is worse than the whole "Chinese people are being oppressed by their government through a 'One Child Policy'" crap that people like to spew without any understanding of the true state of affairs when it comes to this policy.

Am I singing the praises of the Communist Party? HELL NO, but at least use FACTS when you try to point out problems you may have with it.

(Kyle.cn, Decebmer 24, 2007 )


Original text from: http://www.kyle.cn/?p=502
