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“Protection” dream turns into nightmare

2021-11-04 Source:http://www.chinafxj.cn/ Author:Hou Chunxiao

Li Zurong got paralyzed in bed in March 2014 due to a series of serious diseases. She was suffering from acute cerebral infarction, hypothyroidism, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and so on. Previously, she had already had various symptoms but ignored them because she believed fanatically that “a mysterious power”, the "Almighty God" cult, could keep her safe.

The "Almighty God" cult claimed it had come to save human beings. However, He Shufang, Li Zurong's mother, said: "Since my daughter believed in the ‘Almighty God’ cult, our family has been sufferings misfortunes."

He Shufang, Li Zurong's mother

Li Zurong, whose parents live in Pipagou, Jiangyang District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, has one elder brother and two younger brothers. Since her divorce, Li Zuyong has been living with her 70-odd-year-old parents.

One morning in 2012, Xiao Zhang, one of Li Zurong’s friends, visited her after hearing about her suffering from hyperthyroidism. While chatting with Li Zurong, Xiao Zhang pretended to be surprised at learning about her hyperthyroidism. Then, Xiao Zhang mentioned “inadvertently" to her the “Almighty God” cult. Meanwhile, Xiao Zhang took out two "God books" and gave them to Li Zurong. One book is called Almighty God, You Are So Kind while the other is called The Word Appears in the Flesh.

From Xiao Zhang’s words, Li Zurong heard about the terrible "end of the world" and learned that a “Female Christ” had come to the world. Xiao Zhang said: “The end of the world is coming, and human beings will suffer great disasters. However, the Female Christ is going to save Mankind. If you believe in her, you will be cured of your illness without treatment, and your family will be blessed with peace and safety.”

Li Zurong had suffered an unfortunate marriage, and she had to take medication for hyperthyroidism for a long time. Furthermore, Xiao Zhang was one of her good friends. Therefore, Li Zurong immediately agreed to join the “Almighty God” cult under Xiao Zhang’s persuasion.

From then on, Li Zurong embarked on the path of the “Almighty God” cult. Previously, Li Zurong usually went home after work and helped her parents with their business. Now, she began to read "God books" and worship "God” as soon as she came back. In the beginning, she just wanted to pray for the blessings of "God". Later, she developed a dependency on “God”, and finally, she began to fear “God”. In such expectation, dependence, and fear, she gradually fell into a state of obsession with the "Female Christ”.

According to He Shufang, Li Zurong's mother, Li Zurong no longer went to work or helped her parents with their business as she got increasingly obsessed with the “Almighty God” cult. Instead, she went out to "preach the gospel" with Xiao Zhang to draw new people into the cult. Later, she would stay outside for a month or two every time she left home, and she stopped contact with her family and friends, claiming that she was doing her duty for "God”. She simply ignored her family members when she came home. Her obsession with “God’s Family” resulted in her losing her soul and being despised by her family members. During that time, Li Zurong no longer took medication for her diseases as she believed that she would be protected by “God’s Family”. As a result, her health was deteriorating day by day.

In July 2013, Li Zurong went to "preach the gospel" in Gulin without telling her family about it. Eventually, she was caught by the police and punished by public security detention. Because of it, her two sons, who worked away from home, came back especially and pleaded with her not to believe in those heretical fallacies. They told her that believing in the “Almighty God” cult would not cure her illness and that she should believe in science and go to hospital for treatment instead of getting obsessed with the evil cult. As the heretical ideas preached by the "Almighty God" cult had been planted in her mind, she had difficulty getting out of the quagmire of the evil cult, although she had been punished by law and her health was going from bad to worse.

Believing the “Almighty God” cult brought nothing but misfortunes to Li Zurong’s family.  According to He Shufang, Li Zurong’s mother, one day in March 2014, when singing "spiritual songs" and making prayers at home, Li Zurong suddenly said that she had a severe headache. Gradually, her singing stopped, with only her painful moans heard. Her family members wanted to take her to the hospital, but she insisted on not going there, believing doggedly that with the protection from "God", she would get well by herself without seeing a doctor. Her three brothers all went home, patiently and anxiously persuading and enlightening her. They told her by citing her unfortunate experience that obsession with the "Almighty God" cult would only bring disasters to her family instead of giving her the so-called protection. As she could hardly bear the pain caused by the diseases, Li Zurong reluctantly agreed to go to hospital for treatment.

Li Zurong was sent to the Affiliated Hospital of Luzhou Medical College by her family members. After more than twenty days of treatment, her illness was brought under control, but she still ended up paralyzed in bed due to her acute cerebral obstruction. The doctor said Li Zurong was suffering from acute cerebral obstruction accompanied by hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. She could have been cured of her acute cerebral obstruction if she had received medical treatment in time. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Hearing what the doctor said, He Shufang, Li Zurong’s old mother, was almost devastated. Her daughter’s obsession with the “Almighty God” cult made her feel deep remorse and brought her nothing but tears. She said: “The ‘Almighty God’ cult has ruined our family.”

A tragedy that followed has completely proved the claim that “believing in the ‘Almighty God’ cult can bless one’s whole family with peace and safety" is a sheer lie. One day, Li Zurong's father was bitten by a poisonous snake downstairs in front of the house. After emergency treatment, his injury was brought under control, but he could no longer walk.

He Shufang was overwhelmed with grief after misfortunes happened one after another to her family. She said with tears streaming down her face, "I'm over 70 years old now. It should have been a time for me to enjoy my happy family life with my children and grandchildren, but now I have to take care of my daughter paralyzed in bed and my husband unable to walk..." The unprovoked harm caused by the "Almighty God" cult also increased He Shufang’s confidence in overcoming difficulties. She said: "I’ll continue to persuade my daughter to quit the evil cult. I hope my daughter will believe in science and be cured of her diseases soon."

May the tears of a 70-year-old mother wash away the endless pain brought to her unfortunate family by the "Almighty God" cult!
