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Seeking “perfection” brings sufferings to family

2022-04-20 Author:Hou Chunxiao

Author: “Perfection” is a pie drawn by the "Almighty God" cult for its obsessive believers. Although the pie can’t satisfy their hunger, it can trigger a strong desire for it in their mind, making them become dolls at the mercy of the cult and bringing unbearable sufferings upon themselves. Once a believer strays into the "Almighty God" cult, not only the believer himself but also his family members will suffer mental torments.

The experience of Kong Xinlan is a vivid example of this.

The word "testify or testimony" appears from time to time in the "classics" of the "Almighty God" cult. Here, we may as well describe in detail the sufferings that Kong Xinlan and her relatives have undergone as “testimonies” to the deceptiveness of the heresies spread by the “Almighty God” cult under the guise of the so-called "grace", "compassion", and "salvation".

Kong Xinlan was a villager from Qianfang Village, Hulei Town, Yongding County, Fujian Province. She had a secondary school education. Her husband Zhang Hanping was a bricklayer, and her father-in-law was an elementary school teacher. Kong and Zhang had a son and a daughter after marriage. Their family was filled with joy and happiness, making it the envy of the villagers. At that time, Kong Xinlan was not only kind-hearted and cheerful but also clever and capable, with filial piety to her parents-in-law, which had won her the praise of her neighbors.

However, on May 23, 2013, Kong Xinlan abandoned her husband and children and ran away from home. Since then, she had never been heard from again. Kong Xinlan was only 36 years old when leaving home. After she left, her elderly parents-in-law sighed now and again while her children cried from time to time, longing for her presence.

However, this kind of “leaving” was referred to by the "Almighty God" cult as "spreading the gospel,"   "loving God," "worshipping God" or "saving people." It said that only in this way can people be “perfected by God.”

According to Kong's father-in-law Zhang Kuibio, Kong strayed into the "Almighty God" cult in 2011. She was first found to be behaving abnormally after returning from her mother's home. She seemed to have become a different person, staying at home all day long instead of keeping busy as usual. At first, her family members thought she might be not feeling well. A long time had passed before they found she was listening to recordings and watching CDs. It wasn’t’ until this time that Kong’s family realized that Kong had become a believer of the "Almighty God" cult.

Kong Xinlan's belief was opposed by her family from the very beginning. In other words, from the moment she was found to have become a believer of the "Almighty God" cult, her family began to get worried about her and suffer mental torments for her. Kong’s father-in-law repeatedly persuaded her to believe in science and stay away from the "Almighty God cult. However, In the face of her relatives' persuasion, Kong Xinlan refused to listen to them, considering her wrong path as the right one. What’s more, she even persuaded her father-in-law to believe in the heresies used by the "Almighty God" cult to brainwash its believers. She was paranoid that what she believed in was a good and kind “God”, saying that believing in “God" was good for the whole family. Her father-in-law told her that he wouldn’t believe in those heresies as a retired teacher. She responded by saying, "If that's the case, then you go your way and I'll go mine.

After becoming a believer of the "Almighty God" cult, Kong Xinlan indulged in the illusion that she’d be “perfected by “God”. Therefore, "serving God" had almost become an important part of her life. She was no longer seen working at home or outside. Instead, she was often seen going to attend the "Almighty God" cult gatherings at her mother’s house. Her mother’s house was a meeting place of the “Almighty God” cult members, as her mother was also an "Almighty God" cult believer. A young woman often rode a motorcycle to her mother’s house. At first, people assumed she was a doctor who came to see Kong’s father, but in fact, she was a believer working for the "Almighty God” cult.

There was no "grace" ever bestowed upon Kong Xinlan by the "Almighty God" cult, except the "sufferings" she had undergone while hoping in vain to be “perfected by God”. Besides, she was deceived into paying “devotion money” to the “Almighty God” cult to show her love and respect for “God". At the gatherings in her mother's house, the "Almighty God" cult organization used the so-called "treasure book" entitled The Word Appears in the Flesh as baits to cheat the believers out of their money. A believer had to pay 2,000-3,000 thousand yuan for a "treasure book"; those who didn't buy the book were threatened to be driven out of the cult organization. Finally, the "Almighty God" cult had swindled its believers out of large sums of money by this means.

During that period, Kong’s family felt very sad for her being trapped so deep in the quagmire of the “Almighty God” cult that she couldn’t extricate herself from it. They were looking forward to the day when she would get out of the abyss of the evil cult. In June 2012, Kong's son was born, which brought hope to her family members. In their opinion, Kong would devote all her love and energy to his son in the future, with no time to attend the "Almighty God" cult gatherings and other activities.

However, Kong’s subsequent deeds caused them deeper disappointment and made them suffer more painful torments. After her son was born, Kong Xinlan sank deeper into the quagmire of the "Almighty God" cult. She believed that it was because of the blessing of "God's family" that she gave birth to a son. Thus, it became more difficult for Kong to get out of the so-called "divine light." When her son was just a month old, she took him to attend the "Almighty God" gatherings despite her weak health status. While "eating and drinking God’s words," she often forgot that she was a mother with a newborn baby waiting to be fed.

Zhang Kuibiao, Kong’s father-in-law, recalled that Kong’s son had a high fever one day. As Kong was to attend a gathering of the "Almighty God" cult at Hulei town that day, she lied that she would take her son to see a doctor at the county hospital. When she arrived at the gathering place, she put her son aside and didn't care about him anymore. As her father-in-law didn’t trust her very much, he soon went after her to the Hulei town, only to find out that she didn’t go to the county hospital at all. By this time, her son's fever got worse, and it would be dangerous if he was left untreated. Finally, Kong’s father-in-law had to take her son to the hospital and had his life saved from the claws of the disease.

Kong Xinlan went farther and farther down the road of the "Almighty God" cult, gradually forgetting about her family and giving up her family affection. Her family tried every possible way to help her out of the evil cult. Sometimes, they even threw away or burned the cult propaganda materials she brought home. However, their good intentions couldn’t bring back the obsessive her from the wrong track. Kong treated her family as an aberration who resisted “God", and she absurdly thought that “God” was testing her mind and heart. In her mind, it would be easier for her to be “gained by God” and “perfected by God” After suffering these mental torments.

In this circumstance, her husband Zhang Hanping had no alternative but to take her and their two children far away from home to contract a project in Fushi town. He wanted to keep her away from her mother and Hulei town, hoping that she no longer participated in the gatherings of the "Almighty God" cult and gradually returned to normal life in a new environment.

Zhang's idea was a good one, but the reality was cruel. No matter where Kong Xinlan went, her soul was still controlled by the "Almighty God" cult. She called her mother frequently to chat about the "Almighty God" cult, which resulted in constant quarrels between her and her husband and husband.

On May 22, 2013, Kong Xinlan went to attend the gatherings of the “Almighty God" cult at Hulei Town without her husband's knowledge. In the evening, her husband came home and waited for a long time before she came back. The couple broke into a quarrel again. This time, Kong Xinlan seemed to be determined to abandon her family to "worship God" and "love God" whole-heartedly. She even cursed her husband with death, saying that he would be hit by a car and killed. Besides, she said that it would be better if her husband died because no one would prevent her from “believing in God" in that case.

The next day, Kong Xinlan went to her mother's home. Her brother tried to persuade her to give up her belief and take good care of her husband and children. Then her brother sent her back to her husband’s residence. However, as soon as her brother left her, she quietly ran away and had never been heard from again.

When Kong Xinlan left, her son was less than one year old. Thus, a young son lost his mother, while a loving husband lost his wife. Finally, the family was broken up and lost the happiness it used to have!

The family are all innocent people who shouldn’t have been subjected to these sufferings. What deserves to be judged by justice is the "Almighty God" cult.

Original Website: http://www.chinafxj.cn/c/2020-12-07/1303379.shtml
