Mathaba.Net - The Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa sect held an exhibition of banners outside the Australian regime's parliament house in Canberra today. Claiming that they have been oppressed by China's Communist Party for 9 years, the organised gang made numerous absurd claims on posters such as that Australia's legal system is not independent of China.
Several of the organised sect which have invaded Australia in recent years via organized illegal immigration rackets which are resented by the majority of Australian peoples, were distributing leaflets but were unable to speak English, a requirement for all immigrants to Australia as set by the settler-occupying regime.
Our correspondent questioned some of the gang as to their knowledge of the Original Australians and the genocide, abuse and ongoing oppression faced by the owners of Australia's land for the past 220 years, which dwarfs the claims made by the Falan Gong (Falan Dafa) sect of Chinese persecution allegedly for 9 years.
The questioning by our correspondent led the mafia group to secretly call for the police who in turn defended our correspondent's right to ask questions and raise the issue of the human rights of Australia's people, and confirmed that all non-Aboriginal people are guests on Australian soil.
None of those questioned were able to say how long the whites had occupied Australia, nor show any understanding of the Original Australian indiginous peoples situation. The exhibitionists who numbered around 200 persons including a musical band replete with Swastika symbol raised high against Australia's old parliament in the background, were unaware and unconcerned with the Australian Original "Aborigine" people's embassy a stown throw away.
The "Aboriginal" Australian people's embassy is the only embassy in the world forced to represent its people's claims to the land in a make-shift structure errected out of sight of the new Australian regime's parliament house, on the lawns of the old Parliament House. The embassy has not been visited by the Falan Dafa who have a known reputation for using Australia as a spring-board to attack China whilst ignoring the history, culture and human rights situation within Australia itself.
(, June 25, 2008)
Original text from: http://www.mathaba.netews/?x=596443