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Strength Through Information and Knowledge (CULTS - WHO IS VULNERABLE? Chapter 2)

2015-07-17 Source:facts.org

When I began, I quickly realized the value of correct information and knowledge, also the vital importance of retaining good health. Correct information is of paramount importance. In some instances it can take a very short time to process a new cult member. It has been said by many families: “I noticed a difference after only twenty-four hours”.

Initially, cult groups will encourage recruits to talk about families and friends, thus confidential information can be surrendered. New recruits, without realizing that they are being manipulated and believing they have found new friends, will be unaware that their words are being recorded and filed for future use. This is a powerful way of breaking family loyalties and a means of imposing further controls.

I do not accept a popular view that ‘cults' are an interesting subject for study or even that the cult problem is not so bad or dangerous as it is described. I am aware and thankful for some scholarly works on cults. I am grateful and in awe of the scholarship of Professor Stephen Kent. Professor Benjamin Zablocki and others, whose scholarship has assisted those who strive to help families. However, I do deplore the cult apologist approach. My opinion on this is not a secret as any who know me will confirm.

Cults employ greedy, ruthless and cruel methods of control which can cause lasting harm to individuals of all ages, reducing them to conditions in which normal thinking, normal activities and normal life are stripped away. Cults are predatory and I can find nothing to say in their defense. I have given my life, doing everything l possibly can, to help families survive the trauma and suffering caused by cults.

Pressure is often covertly applied to convince individuals of new and mystical belief systems requiring extraordinary understanding and admiration. It can be difficult for anyone, without prior education or warnings, to be on guard against the techniques of recruiters. In isolated circumstances individuals can be bowled over. The situation can be compared to falling in love with the wrong person and can be equally tricky.

However, there can be a happy ending and families should never give up hope. The small group of people who first began FAIR did something great which, perhaps, they did not fully realize at that time. They formed the help and information resource which is still working today.
