As it points out, in two decisions of the Greek Justice, this association was characterized as “an organization with practices that are medically, socially and morally dangerous and harmful”.
“In recent years, it has been operating under other names and providing seemingly harmless services, such as self-improvement seminars or sales seminars for businesses,” the announcement said.
It goes without saying that no method and no facade of social service can alter the reality, as illustrated by the judgment of Greek Justice, which is not the only one saying that Scientology is: “an organization with practices that are medically, socially and morally dangerous and harmful,” concludes the Holy Synod.
Read the announcement of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece on the “Church of Scientology” below:
“The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece with a sense of responsibility informs the faithful that the “Church of Scientology” that has been operating in Greece in the form of an association under the name “Center of Applied Philosophy of Greece” following two decisions of the Greek Justice (7380/1996 of the Athens Court of First Instance and 10.493/1997 of the Athens Court of Appeal) was deemed as an “ organization with practices that are medically, socially and morally dangerous and harmful “.
In recent years, it has been operating under other names and providing seemingly harmless services, such as self-improvement seminars or sales seminars for businesses.
Today, following a similar project as in the past, known as “Narconon”, it attempts to intervene in the public sector, seeking partnerships with public, social institutions and schools, under the pretext of having created a new program to address the major social problem of drugs under the name “The Truth About Drugs“.
The Scientology Foundation “A Drug-Free World” (6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 710, Los Angeles, CA 90028United States) has also a domestic body coming from the same area of this organization called “Citizens’ Initiative for a Drug-Free Greece (Drug-Free World GR) (see websites www.notodrugs.gr, facebook.com/drugfreeworld.gr/, instagram.com/drugfreeworld.gr).
The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece stands with much respect, responsibility and prayer in respect to this matter and recognizes the diligent and courageous efforts of our fellow human beings who strive to disengage from various dependencies.
It recognizes and praises the valuable help and diligent actions of the various scientific bodies and communities that contribute to the rehabilitation of our fellow human beings.
At the same time, it informs public, social and private bodies, which are active in the sensitive area of drug rehabilitation, not to become inadvertently sponsors or advertising bodies of a para-religious organization with socially dangerous activity. After all, its polemics and aversion to the medical field of Psychiatry are well known.
It goes without saying that no method and no facade of social service can alter the reality, as illustrated by the judgment of Greek Justice, which is not the only one saying that Scientology is “an organization with practices that are medically, socially and morally dangerous and harmful.”
Source: https://orthodoxtimes.com/holy-synod-of-church-of-greece-warns-about-church-of-scientology-operating-in-greece/