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Does 'Falun Dafa' originate in Buddhist doctrines?
Date: 2007-07-26

"The Characteristics of 'Falun Dafa,'" a section of the book 'Turning the Wheel of the Law (Zhuan Falun)', begins with "Our 'Falun Dafa' is one of the 84,000 Dharma gates of Buddhism." This remark is very deceptive for those unaware of the history of Buddhism. Is "Falun Dafa" really one of the Buddhist doctrines?

First, Buddhism does not have 84,000 Dharma gates!

Second, the "Buddhist doctrine" preached by Li Hongzhi was completely invented by himself. He wantonly distorts and ignorantly hijacks some Buddhist terms, slanders Buddhism, maligns people with Buddhist beliefs, deifies himself and deceives his disciples. There is no similarity between Li Hongzhi's "Falun Dafa" and the doctrines of Buddhism; in fact, the former even contradicts the latter.

Li Hongzhi belittles the traditional Buddhist instructions as the "preliminary level" in the "Comments" section of his book Turning the Wheel of the Law in order to prove that his "Buddhist doctrine" is at the "advanced level." He says that we now live in the "Last Stage of Buddhism." He declares, "In the 'Last Stage of Buddhism' the monks in the temples find it hard to save themselves, let alone save others. Now I am the only person in the world who is spreading the Orthodox Law, and I am doing a deed that has never been done by our predecessors. Besides, I have opened a big gate in the 'Last Stage of Buddhism.' In reality, I am doing a deed which has never occurred in ten or even a hundred centuries." He even firmly opposes the contact of his Falun Gong practitioners with people from Buddhist circles, saying that doing so means "breaking both our Dafa and Buddhist commandments." When did Buddhist doctrines restrict people's freedom of communication? Obviously, he has invented heretical ideas at variance with Buddhist doctrines so as to curry favor with his disciples and deceive innocent people.

"The Wheel of the Law" is a technical term in Buddhism, which mainly means that Buddha preaches doctrines ceaselessly like turning wheels, or that Buddhist doctrines can remove all worries and fallacies like indestructible chariot wheels. Those who convert to Buddhism regard "The Wheel of the Law" as embracing all the Buddhist doctrines and theories, and project their feelings into it. It has no mysterious or peculiar functions. Li Hongzhi, however, says that it is something mysterious, invisible and intelligent, which can be installed inside others only by himself and can protect practitioners. He asserts, "The Wheel of the Law,' which is a miniature cosmos and has all the functions of the cosmos, can automatically turn and rotate. If you are a real Falun Gong practitioner, our 'Wheel of the Law' will protect you." Li Hongzhi stresses the "Wheel of the Law" to bring the practitioners under spiritual control, for he thinks that only he himself is qualified to "install" it and teach them to practice it, and tells them that no one is able to obtain it without him.

"Law body" is also a Buddhist concept with no image or quantity. Originally derived from a personified abstract of Buddhist instructions, it means the spirit and general principles of Buddhist doctrines. Later it was universally used in the Buddhist scriptures, and regarded as the source of Buddhas and perpetual existence. "Law body," "Buddhist body," "Law nature" and "Buddhist nature" are identical concepts, and are solely owned by Buddha. But Li Hongzhi say, "A person will have a law body after practicing and reaching a considerably high level. It comes into being in the pubic region. It is made up of 'law' and 'gong,' and is embodied in other spaces." He claims that he himself, just like a savior, has countless "law bodies," which have great magic power.

What does "karma retribution" mean in Buddhism? According to Buddhism, all human thoughts, words and actions will inevitably bring about corresponding consequences (karma). Buddhism stresses that individuals must be responsible for all that they have done, and that they can rely not on gods but on themselves to change their own fates. Meanwhile, the five kinds of Buddhist knowledge include "the knowledge of enlightenment by medicine," according to which eminent monks expert in medical knowledge cure patients of their diseases and alleviate their sufferings. In Buddhist scriptures there exist none of the "karma retributions" mentioned by Li Hongzhi. Only Li says that diseases are predetermined due to "karma retribution," and entail the repayment of debts. According to Li, curing a patient amounts to destroying the logic of the cosmos and acquiescing in his evil deeds and non-payment of debts, which is impermissible. In his opinion, it must be made clear that disease treatment by Qigong or in hospital simply pushes the disasters, which are the basic cause of the disease, to the latter half of the patient's life or to the time after his death, while leaving the "karma" untouched. So, in order to remove the "karma," the patient has to practice ''Falun Dafa," which is taught by Li Hongzhi only. How insidious and shabby he is!

Which of these key terms of "Falun Dafa" is a genuine Buddhist term? None!

''Falun Dafa" is certainly not a Dharma gate of Buddhism!

(Compiled by New Star Publishers, Dec., 1999)