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Lan Yunchang kills an elder

2007-09-13 Source:Kaiwind

Falun Gong addictor Lan Yunchang, nicknamed A Hong, male, 33-year-old, junior middle school graduate, was a farmer in Fuyongtun of Zhuwang village in Dagang Township in Longan County, Guangxi Province.

At about 4:00 pm on April 16, 2001, when back home after carrying fertilizers from the fields, Lan Yunchang told his mother Pan Wangjie that he would borrow a couple of medical books from his old relative Wei Shaoming who was once a barefoot doctor at Shangdongtun. At 5:30 pm, Lan Yunchang reached Wei Shaoming's home. Wei was home alone. Lan chatted with the old man for a while and asked him for some arsenic. Wei Shaoming said he had no arsenic and asked him for supper. At about 7:00 pm, Lan Yunchang held up a axe and hacked vehemently at Wei Shaoming's head, while Wei Shaoming was concentrating on boiling rice noodles. Wei fell down immediately and blood ran out of his head. Lan Yunchang took Wei as dead and left. Wei was found at 8:00 the next morning by the villagers, and was unable to speak. He died at about 10:00. Lan Yunchang surrendered voluntarily for his crime at 5:00 pm on April 17.

According to Lan Yunchang's statement, "Several days before I hacked Wei Shaoming to death, I had a dream, in which a white haired old man told me, you can lay down the affection to your kin and reach fulfillment by a finger's breath. But you need to find someone to accompany you to 'rise up to heaven with consummation'. He also said, the companion you would find is now live in the cave nearby. He is your relative and was a doctor with you in his past life. The master went away after saying those. Then, Mater Li Hongzhi revealed to me that the 'cave' mentioned was not a cave but a name of a place. So, I realized Wei Shaoming is the one that would accompany me to the heaven, who had been a barefoot doctor in Shangdongtun." When the public prosecutor further interrogated, Lan Yunchang said, "I saw that he was lonely and dreary as an old man. I wanted to go to the Falun world with him to live a happy life. In that world, there are mountains and waters, buildings and pavilions, and everything that you want. The trees are gold, and houses silver. It is a very nice world. That world is so nice, that if I do not take him there, I cannot be up to heaven as well. He goes there first, and I will go up to heaven with fulfillment soon."

Lan Yunchang also admitted, "I thought rising up to heaven with consummation was my biggest wish. Under the guidance of this kind of idea, I wanted to ask for arsenic to eat from Wei Shaoming at about 4:00 the day before yesterday (16 April), and then rise up to heaven with fulfillment. But when I got there, I saw he was a poor lonely old man. I want to relieve him and take him to heaven with me. So I did that then." Lan Yunchang was still thinking of flying up to heaven till he was in custody. When the interrogator asked why he came to the police himself, he answered, "I were afraid that you might look for me for a long time, so I came myself. So you can shot me dead more quickly. The gun shots, and I can fly to heaven."

The wish to "go up to heaven with consummation" obviously was Lan Yunchang's motive to kill other people.

