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A former Falun Gong backbone on the road to ruin

2011-12-14 Source:Kaiwind Author:By Qiu Yu

In the spring of 2007, Li Hongkui, former head of the Falun Gong Instruction Center in Wulian County of Shandong Province, eastern China, died at his 63. Ten-year-practice not only makes his disease incurable, but also fails to rescue him from the jaws of death. On his deathbed, he was still waiting for Master Li to help him reach the so-called “Consummation”. However, the fact has shattered his dream with his life coming into an end.

Li Hongkui had been industrious, honest, and always optimistic since the childhood. To pursue his dream, he had devoted all his energy and passion to the work and life. For his outstanding performance and conscientious work attitude, he had received high praise from the leaders and colleagues and had been elected factory leader at a young age, and then leader of several departments. However, no one had imagined that he, who was once an ambitious, success-driven and capable person with outstanding achievements would be tempted by Falun Gong after his retirement.

In 1997, Li Hongkui left his post. Having used to keep busy all day long, he felt difficult to adapt well to the carefree and quiet life. It was at that summer, he was exposed to Falun Gong introduced by others. Suffering from high blood pressure and heart problem, Li Hongkui had to take medicine regularly to keep healthy. Upon hearing that Falun Gong was able to cultivate mind, cure diseases and keep fit, he began to take it as a regular exercise.

Ever since his contact with Falun Gong, Li Hongkui’s life had changed completely. In the early stage, he practiced two hours a day with other followers. After forming a habit, he would feel ill at ease even a single day’s halt. After a period of practice, he found himself more flexible and stronger than before. Moreover, the exercise not only killed his boring and lonely time, but also helped his heart find its place, so he practiced more frequently.

Li Hongkui was a serious man with an enquiring mind. As long as having access to a new thing, he would go deeper into it -- Falun Gong was not an exception. In order to make his practice more effective, he borrowed some books and CDs from other followers, and buried himself in it at home. Falun Gong’s theories like “consummation”, “saving for all” and “no doctor nor medicine” began to erode his physical and mental health, and drifted him further.

Li Hongkui began to get lost. He no longer liked reading books or newspapers, kept an eye on the state affairs or expressed his opinion to things happened around him. He showed no interest in things and people around him--his life had nothing but Falun Gong. He became almost crazy about it with more than 12 hours’ practice a day, except eating and sleeping.

Under his influence, his wife was also obsessed with Falun Gong. Their home became the fittest place for the practice. Looking like living in a world secluded from the outside, the old couple was indifferent to things around them, putting all their energies to act on Master Li’s instruction. At last, they became offish, pitiless and stubborn.

Being deceived by the so-called “karma theory", Li Hongkui completely forgot the nature process of life that the disease is caused by the destruction of unity environment inside and outside and the disordered coordination functions of internal organs. He believed that disease was caused by karma and people with truthfulness, compassion and tolerance were of no sick. He believed that as long as he put his heart on the practice, Master Li would be touched and come to help him clear away the karma. By then, all ailments would disappear so that he could achieve the “Consummation”, so he stopped taking any medicine.

His neighbors and family members were surprised at his changes. His daughter who just graduated was so perplexed over her parents' behaviors that she tried to persuade them over and over again. “What the hell is Falun Gong? How can it change you completely? You shouldn’t abandon your normal life just for the practice! People are taking exercises to keep fit, but you two are undermining volition and health rather than staying healthy!" However, the couple turned a deaf ear to her advices.

With active practice and in-depth study, Li Hongkui can always speak volumes about Master Li’s teachings, so he soon enjoyed a high prestige among the disciples. Moreover, in Chinese, the spelling of his name differs only one word from Li Hongzhi’s, so he was regarded as Li Hongzhi’s “brother”, winning respects from other followers. In a short time, he was appointed head of the Falun Gong Instruction Center in Wulian County. Since then, he was more incentive and unscrupulous to be involved in Falun Gong.

Apart from his own practice, he also pondered over what he should do to help others. He organized the disciples to practice and study together while selling the advantages of Falun Gong to persuade people around to join in. With his efforts, the number of disciples in his center soared quickly, creating an unprecedented zeal for Falun Gong practice. People did whatever Li Hongkui asked as they believed he was sent directly from Li Hongzhi. 

In July 1999, China issued a special circular to ban Falun Gong. Despite all that, Li Hongkui sought other possible solutions to cope with the policy instead of sobering up from it. He was succeeded in winning trust from the government by pretending that he was mentally converted, but secretly organized other disciples in Wulian County to print a large number of fly sheets, calling people to resist the policy. He became an engine to keep Falun Gong active in Wulian County. He was busy in organizing the collective practice, establishing ties with others, doing publicizing and keeping the team running orderly day and night. He even put his own savings to ensure the smooth operation of Falun Gong in Wulian County. Before his death, he had invested more than 100,000 yuan in Falun Gong, never regretted even if he had to pay more for it.

In this way, Li Hongkui was living in an illusionary world created by Falun Gong. He found that his body was getting better and better. It seemed that his heart situation was improved while the feeling of breathe shortness and chest tightness disappeared. But in fact, he got weaker due to overwork, high pressure, disordered life and failure to medication. Several times he fainted with unknown causes, but he said it as a phenomenon of “eliminating karma”.

Seeing her parents' crazy about Falun Gong regardless of their health, Li Hongkui's daughter felt so pain. Since China carried out the policy to ban Falun Gong, she came to find out the real feature of it. The so-called fallacy of "eliminating karma when suffering from disasters or diseases" is nonsense which hurts people, and the "pursuit of Consummation" is actually a soap bubble that no one is able to make it. She hated Falun Gong because it not only harmed her parents' health but also spoilt the happiness in her family. At last, she had to ask for help from former leaders and colleagues of his father. With their helps, she duped Li Hongkui into having heart check-up in the hospital. The result was quite heartbreaking. Due to years' practice, failure to medication and overwork, Li Hongkui's heart problem had already worsened into myocardial infarction, so he had to receive a bypass surgery in time, otherwise, he will be in danger.

Nevertheless, Li Hongkui neither listened to the doctor's advice nor believed the diagnosis report. He bitterly denounced his leaders, colleagues and daughter for deceiving him and left the hospital at last. How could Li Hongkui take other people's advices? He was completely overwhelmed by the "The One and Only Way" instruction from Master Li, believing that the disease would be cleared away as long as he was absorbed in the practice "persistently" and be a person with “truthfulness, compassion and tolerance". He believed if he received medical treatment as the diagnosis report suggested, the disease would be pushed back into his body, resulting in the failure of "eliminating karma" and making a mockery of all his efforts.

Knowing Li’s health status, his daughter tried every possible way to persuade him, getting only cold shoulder. With the medicine in one hand and a cup of water in the other, knelt down in front of his father, she persuaded Li Hongkui to take medicine, but Li Hongkui spilled the water. She ran to her mother crying in the hope that she would convince her father, whereas, she was stormed by her mother.

Once, when the girl sneaked back to hide the practicing materials, she was caught by her father who just came home. Li Hongkui not only raged over her daughter, but also hit a slap in her face and drove her out of the house.
With the slap falling on her face, the girl’s heart was broken. Having grown up with lavish care and love, she had never been beaten or even abused by her father. She had never imagined that her father would one day change into another person, treating her like an enemy.

Feeling helpless, the girl thought of his grandfather living in a southern city of China. He is a retired cadre who once devoted himself to China's revolution career. The old man knew little about Li Hongkui's behaviors, but he didn't believe the supernatural power that Li Hongkui preached. As a man experiencing years of ups and downs, he knows that doing exercise can keep fit, but it is impossible for people to "cultivate the Law Body, keep the disease away by eliminating karma and achieve the Consummation". He persuaded Li Hongkui not to go further into the practice.

China's ban on Falun Gong further proved the old man’s view correct. He often phoned home to persuade his son and daughter-in-law to keep away from Falun Gong, receiving only a deaf ear and lies from them. Li Hongkui seldom called his father since he was bound by all kinds of activities all day long, leaving no room for his family members. On hearing the call from his granddaughter, Li Hongkui’s father came to realize the seriousness of his son's situation.

Before this, Li Hongkui’s father had any idea neither about his son's role in local Falun Gong group nor the couple's crazy about it. Listening to his granddaughter's tearful complaints, he felt as if a knife were twisted into his heart. Desperate, he hurried to Li Hongkui's home despite of his old age. As soon as he arrived, he was shocked at what had just taken place. In the room littered with Falun Gong materials, the couple was gluing their eyes to the TV to meditate, too absorbed to notice the old man's appearance.

Seeing Li Hongkui's poor healthy condition, the old man suddenly fell into a chair, beating his chest and crying out, "Did I commit a sin? You are making a big trouble for me. Do you wanna take my life? Without the old revolutionary soldiers' efforts, how can you live such a cozy life and have spare time to do exercises. You must have been possessed by Li Hongzhi. Human being has the pleasure on family members and must experience illness and death. As a Party member, how can you believe and do such a stupid thing. Li Hongzhi has made you two out of shape. Is he doing good things to others? You must have thinned dozens of pounds. It is abnormal. Why not take the medicine? Do you wanna kill yourself and let me see you passing away? Have you even thought of your daughter? You have spent all your savings, what else do you want?"

The old man failed to pull the couple back from Falun Gong's possession. As before, Li Hongkui kept cycling here and there all day long, secretly exchanging experiences, organizing activities with other disciples and recruiting new members. In 2007, he died of heart failure caused myocardial infarction in the end.

Li Hongkui’s death gave his wife a hard blow. She can’t figure out why Master Li’s “Law Body” didn’t show up to save his husband who not only devoted all his energy and time to Falun Gong but also tried his best to help others. Losing her husband and savings, her life had to start from the very beginning. Suffering from sorrow, loneness and helplessness, she was totally disoriented what to do. Perhaps, it is time to sober up.

"Mom, would you please sober up? Falun Gong took my father's life away. I can't live without you now. It was the fault of Falun Gong that broke up our family. You can't leave me alone," her daughter cried, shaking her dull mother.

The girl finally woke up her mother. Li Hongkui's wife came to realize that if there were not Falun Gong and Master Li's fallacies like "eliminating karma", "refusing medical treatment" and "Consummation", her husband wouldn't refuse medical treatment and won't die. Her life would be totally different.
