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“Falun Gong” killed my father and destroyed my family

2023-08-30 Source:Chinafxj.cn Author:Youxin

My name is Li Wei, male, 44 years old, from Changyi City, Shandong Province. I feel deeply disgusted even at hearing the name of “Falun Gong”, because Li Hongzhi has destroyed my family.

My father, Li Lianfei, was born in July 1953, and my mother, Zhang Aifen, was born in June 1954. Both of them were farmers. My mother had always been weak and sick; my father also had to take medicine for a long time because of cerebral thrombosis. Although I lived in great poverty, my parents love me so much. I had a harmonious and happy family. In the autumn of 1995, I studied very hard in high school, consistently ranking among the top in grades. Although my parents felt exhausted after hard work, they would immediately feel happy when seeing my school records.

Time flies. The summer of 1996 came in a trice. One day when I came home from school, my father mysteriously told me and my mother that he had recently practiced an exercise called “Falun Gong”, which was very magical. He said excitedly that "one person practices it, the whole family will benefit." And if he kept practicing “Falun Gong”, he would no longer need to take any medicines or injections. He believed such exercise not only had special effects on strengthening one’s body and eliminating diseases, but also could help people to achieve anything they wanted after "ascension to heavens". He also shared with us many “examples” of how people got cured without injections or medicines after practicing. Upon hearing his stories, both my mother and I found it ridiculous, we laughed and refuted my father: "If the exercise is really so magical, won't all the hospitals and pharmaceutical factories be closed? Don't believe such a stuff. Mom and I will take care of you.” Seeing that we did not believe what he said, my father told us seriously, "I have been practicing ‘Falun Gong’ for more than a month, and I feel quite amazing. Now my legs and feet become much better, and I also feel much more relaxed."

My father was a stubborn person, at that time he was yearning for the “miracles” that Li Hongzhi had promised. He would hold the Falun books wherever he went, and cultivation became his compulsory course above everything else. He even slept with the book Zhuan Falun by the pillow. Slowly, he no longer cared about our family, nor did he associate with relatives, friends or neighbors. "Learning and practicing" became the only spiritual support in his life. In order to quickly reach “consummation” and "ascend to heavens", he slept less and less each day and got up at 3 A.M. to meditate and practice.

So, I really felt sad about Dad, and I knew that the only way to change my destiny was to pass the college entrance examination. In July 1996, I was admitted to the National University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with excellent grades. From then on, I made up my mind to become a qualified astronaut, flying freely in the blue sky of the motherland.

In 1999, the government banned “Falun Gong” according to law. However, my father felt extremely resentful about the nation’s decision. I had no choice but to call my grandfather, grandmother and aunts, trying in vain to persuade him to leave the cult and stop his practicing. I shouted loudly: "Dad! Please give it up, don't you understand? Don't believe that cult anymore, or you’ll be harmed. "Upon hearing my words, my father became furious. He glared at us and threatened, "I will break off relations with anyone who tries to persuade me again. Whoever stops me from practicing will be deemed as a demon! I’m sure that Master Li will take me to Heavens.” Everyone knew my father's quick temper and dared not say anything else. My grandparents left my house with tears in their eyes. My mother and I cried bitterly. But our tears and cries did not move my father a little bit. Without a word, he opened the door and walked away with an impassive face.

Since then, my father lived alone in a side room of our courtyard. Every day, besides eating and working, he practiced “Falun Gong” at home whole-heartedly. With the removal of all "worldly affections”, he felt that he was one step closer to the "opening of celestial eyes."

Faced with father’s obsession and stubbornness, my mother cried all day long. In the winter of 2000, because of overwork and psychological pressures, Mom's health condition worsened. To help Mum cure her disease and support the whole family, I sent her some money from time to time. In April 2001, my father, in order to pursue the so-called "opening celestial eyes", "getting blessings" and "reaching consummation”, secretly spent family savings to produce illegal “Falun Gong” propaganda materials. Between my obsessed father and the increasingly impoverished family, my tired and emaciated mother died of a sudden heart attack.

As for Mom’s departure, my father didn’t feel any regret, and his obsession with “Falun Gong” did not diminish a bit. Furthermore, he thought it was Li Hongzhi's “halo” that had enveloped him and protected him, so that he finally succeeded in "coming out of the human world", and he had taken another step forward “opening celestial eyes” and “reaching consummation and ascending to heavens”.

As a matter of fact, my father's health condition was getting worse and worse, to which he simply defended himself by saying, "I am sick because I have no enough magic power. Only by practicing even harder can I get completely cured. In the future, when I open my celestial eyes, I will climb a heavenly ladder, reach consummation, and ascend to the paradise. You all are ordinary people, and you will never understand it."

In the autumn of 2003, my father suddenly scratched his face till it was covered in blood; half an hour later, he hit his head violently with a club prepared in advance. By the time I heard a sound, it was too late. He was already lying in a pool of blood. He was sent to the hospital immediately, but nothing could be done to save him, and he just left me. At that time, I cried bitterly in vain, no one could help me. My parents left me forever! My warm family was gone! I really hate the cult “Falun Gong”, yet words failed to convey my burning hatred.

Now, 20 years have passed. My parents, who should have enjoyed their old age life in peace, have left me one by one, leaving me with endless lovesickness and regret. I hate “Falun Gong”. It ruined my life and destroyed my family.
